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(A/N) Back at it again with incorrect quotes B)

It's been a little while, how's everyone been?


(Weak be like)

Jack: Why are my arms so weak?

Jack: It's like I did that one push-up last year for nothing!


Jack: -And that's when I said to myself, "don't think Jack, act."

Adam: So, you weren't thinking?

Jack: Not at all. I cannot emphasize enough how little I was thinking.


Adam: Ryan, it's ten degrees! Come back inside before you die of hypothermia!

Ryan: Well that's ironic, it's freezing but I'm still having a meltdown!



(When they were little kids)

Their Mom: Every parent wants to see their child do well, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that watching my loser sons fail at everything they try has been pretty entertaining.


Ryan: What am I doing wrong?

Adam: Do you want me to answer as your therapist or your friend?

Ryan: Friend.

Adam: Go see a therapist.


(When they had to share a room)

Adam: Here are two pictures.

Adam: One is your guy's part of our room, and the other is a garbage dump in the philippines.

Adam: Can you tell which is which?

Ryan and Jack, pointing to one of the pictures: ........... That one's the garbage dump.....?



Interviewer: Between your brothers--Ryan and Jack--if you had to, who would you punch?

Adam: Neither of them! They're both my brothers and I love them equally!

Interviewer: Jack?

Adam: Yeah, but I don't know why.


Adam: I said I wasn't going to cry....

Ryan: But- but you aren't crying.

Adam: I know, it's called strength.


Adam, on the phone: Jack, where are you?

Jack, drunk: I see a cloud that looks like a lion.

Adam: ...... Could you be more specific?

Jack: Simba.


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