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(A/N) Y'all getting tickets to AJR's OKO tour?


Ryan: Dead and came back as a cowboy. I call that "reintarnation".

Adam: I'm getting a restraining order.


(Street Performing)

Jack: I walk a lonely road. In my bag, I have a giant toad. Don't know where it goes, but it's only me and this giant toad.

The guy that requested "Boulevard of Broken Dreams": 👁️👁️


Jack: *Dials 911*

Jack: Hey, I hate to be "that guy", but I glued myself to the ceiling again.


Ryan: I am literally going through hell. Do you even care?

Adam: I care about the fact that you've forgotten the meaning of the word "literally".


Jack: Hey, Adam?

Adam, trying to do schoolwork: Hm?

Jack: Can someone breathe inside the washing machine?


Adam: Where's Ryan?


(Adam talking about his plan to deal with climate change)

Adam: That's the plan! Alright, any questions?

AJR fans: *Raises hand*

Adam: Yes, you raised your hand?

AJR fans: Your hair looks pretty.


Adam: Ah, well, that's not a question-


(Struggling to finish making a song)

Ryan: Well, Rome wasn't built in a day!

Jack, frustrated and pulling out a lighter: No, but it was burned in one.

Ryan: *Snatches the sheet music away from him*


AJR simps, gazing lovingly at Adam: You know when you see someone and your heart skips a beat?

Adam, concerned: That's called arrhythmia. You can die from that.


Interviewer: In your opinion, is it possible for someone to hate music and still be a good person?

Ryan: *Smiles*

Ryan: Absolutely the f*ck not.


Jack: If you're going to talk sh*t about me behind my back, at least invite me.

Jack: I hate that b*tch, too.


Ryan: *Curled up on the floor and crying uncontrollably*

Jack, trying to comfort him: Don't cry, bro. Your ass is so fat.

Ryan: I know! I'm thicc as f*ck.


Interviewer: What are you thinking?

Jack: I'm not.


Jack: Pregnancy is a hoax. The baby sprouts out of the ground. I've seen it happen.

Jack: People pretend to be pregnant for clout! It started with one woman named Eve and people have been chasing the same high ever since.

Jack: It's an outrage. If you're gonna make something up, at least have all genders be able to get pregnant!!

Jack: It doesn't make sense that supposedly Alba can have a baby in her tummy, but why can't I?!


Adam: First of all, what? Second of all, the f*ck??


Adam: It's fine, they'll move on. They'll get over me eventually.

Ryan: None of your exes have ever gotten over you, though.

Adam: You're damn right they didn't.


Ryan: A pet rock is a fun pet until you realize that's it's essentially immortal and you've cursed it to an eternity of watching its loved ones die.....

Adam: Why? Why do you do this to me?

Jack: Bold of you to assume you'd be considered a loved one by your pet rock.


Jack, smirking: On the outside, I'm a baddie.

Jack, immediately trying not to cry: But on the inside, I'm a saddie.


Adam, holding up his bass: It's time to make papa proud.

Jack and Ryan: Yes, sir!

Adam: I could not have more clearly been talking to my bass.


Critics: I'm not gonna stand and watch you torture people with your music!

Jack: You can sit if you want.


Adam: If I have to clean one more blood stain from this carpet, I swear I'm going to kill someone.

Ryan: ....... That sounds a little counterproductive, don't you think?....


AJR: You know who we are.

Literally everyone: No we don't.

AJR: You know what we do.

Everyone: We're still unclear on who you three are.


Ryan, texting Adam: There's a moth on the outside of the bathroom door, can you get rid of it?

Ryan: Please hurry, I'm going to cry.

Ryan: Adam?

Ryan: ADAM???

Adam, texting back: Adam is dead. You're next. Love, Moth.


Thanks for liking my story. Bye.

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