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(A/N) What's your least favorite AJR song?


Jack, putting out his hand: Hey, could you hold this for me?

Adam, not paying attention: *Grabs his hand*

Adam: This is your hand.

Jack: Yeah.


Adam: You're scared to ride the rollercoaster, aren't you?

Jack: yes.


Jack: Iwanttomakeasecrethandshakewithyouthatinvolvesustouchingourmouthstogetherforthreehours. (I want to make a secret handshake with you that involves us touching our mouths together for three hours)

Alba: What did you say?

Jack: nOthiNG!


Adam: Making my way downtown, walking fast

Adam: ....

Adam: Walking slower because Ryan has to stop and look at every single thing we walk by.


Jack: You've heard that I was a b*tch, right?

Jack: Well, it's not just a rumour.

Jack: It's true.


Adam: You know what? You're in time out! Get on top of the fridge! Get up there!

Jack, climbing on top of the fridge: THIS HOUSE IS A F*CKING NIGHTMARE!


Jack: Are you okay?

Ryan, crying: Yeah, it's just these onions.


Jack: Those are potatoes.


Sleep Deprivation

Adam, exhausted: *Opens up pill bottle*

Adam: *Pours the medication into his hand*

Adam: *Opens up water bottle*

Adam: *Pours water into his hand*

Ryan, watching: Hey, uh, Adam-

Adam: No, no. Give me a sec. I know something is wrong. Just give me a sec, I'll figure it out. Just wait a sec.


Interviewer: So, who's in charge of the band?

AJR: Whoever screams the loudest.


Ryan: *Eating a cinnamon roll*

Jack: Cannibalism.

Ryan: *Confused chewing noises*


Adam: Yeah, well, I hate you.

Jack: No you don't.

Adam, bitterly: No I don't.


Adam, sighing: What do you two normally do while I'm gone?

Ryan and Jack, crying: Wait for you to come back.


Adam: Have any of you seen Jack?

*Rat skitters across the floor*

Ryan: There he is!



Jack, solemnly: No turtle is safe.


Adam: Do you have anything to do with this?!



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Adam: You shouldn't be using a straw.

Jack: I know, I know. It's bad for the environment.

Adam, Well, yeah. But it's just a weird way to eat spaghetti.


Jack: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I strong or weak?

Ryan: Strong.

Alba: Weak.

Adam: An idiot.


Bad Guy: *Stabs Ryan*


Ryan: Do you want this knife back, or can I keep it?


Ryan: Your future self is talking sh*t about you.

Jack: Well the joke's on him, I'll f*cking ruin his life!


Adam: I think I forgot something.

Ryan: Well, if you forgot it, then it probably wasn't important.

Jack, standing in a Walmart parking lot at 2AM in the rain:


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