361 22 48

(A/N) Wow, 69 chapters? Omg....

Welp, thanks everyone for all your support! I hope y'all still think these are funny, haha...

Anyway, if you could change one thing about AJR, what would it be?


(If Jack and Adam were detectives,. probably)

Jack: *Slaps the suspect*

Adam: Jack! You've got to ask them a question first!

Jack: Oh, right. *Turns to suspect* What color is my underwear?!

Jack: *slaps them again*


(Another incorrect quote of Adam trying to be a good older brother)

(When Ryan was a kid)

Adam: What are you doing?! YOUR SHOES ARE ON THE WRONG FEET!!

Ryan, starting to cry: b-but I don't have any other feet!!!



Jack: The hardcore way to eat ramen-

Jack: 1. Boil water, 2. Eat block of ramen, 3. Chug boiled water, 4. Snort flavoured packet, 5. F*CK YOU.

Adam: Ry, Jack's escaped from his box again-


(AJR, lost in the wilderness)

Jack, pointing in one direction: Wait, let me get this straight, you're going THAT way??

Ryan: Yep.

Jack, beginning to walk in the opposite direction: Well, then I'm going this way!

Adam, grabbing him: No you're not.


Adam, tired of literally everything: I'm not trying to do that whole dismissive thing,

Adam: But I'm dismissing it.


Adam: What are you doing?

Jack: Helping Ryan look for his bag of M&Ms that I ate an hour ago.


Ryan: *Hits Jack*

Jack, concussed: Hit or miss, I guess they never miss huh?

Adam: Hit him again. 


(When Adam's feeling depressed)

Adam: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?

Ryan: Several traffic violations.

Jack: Three counts of resisting arrest.

Ryan: Also, that's not our car.

Jack: But we brought you cookies!


(When they were kids)

AJR Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now