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(A/N) Challenge: comment something only AJR fans will understand.


(When they were kids)

Adam, solemnly: Today, we mourn the loss of our dear little brother.

Ryan: *Sobs*

Adam: We will never forget-

Ryan: *Sobs harder*

Their Mom, yelling from the other room: DID YOU TWO LOCK JACK IN THE BATHROOM AGAIN??

Adam: Oh sh*t- *blows out candles*


Ryan: I got the band mood rings so I know when my brothers need a hug.


Adam: Is there a problem?

Ryan: Nothing Shakespeare couldn't turn into a great play.


Adam: Ouch! I got a paper cut.

Jack: Here, let me kiss it better.

Adam: ......What?

Jack: Mom used to kiss our injuries better.

Adam: Yeah, when we were like five???


Adam: Yeah, I love my brothers.

Jack and Ryan: *Doing the Floss dance to try and impress Adam*

Adam: Nevermind.


(When they were kids)

Adam, talking to his friends at school: Yeah, I can't believe I agreed to be a prop in my brother's stupid play.

His Friend: You could've just said no.

Adam: *Offended and enraged noises*

(Cue My Play)


Adam: Wow, do you guys remember playing Doctor when we were little?

Jack: Oh, yeah, haha. That was fun.


Little Adam: Quick, Jack! Hand me the scissors! The patient needs to be amputated before the disease spreads further!

Little Jack: *Hands Adam the scissors*

Little Ryan: Wait, guys- what are you doing to my teddy bear-

Little Adam: *Cuts the Teddy Bear's head off*

Little Jack: Phew, that could've been a disaster.

Little Ryan: *Sobbing in the background*


Adam: Murder me.

Ryan: With puppies? : D

Adam: .....Or knives.

Ryan: Or FUN!

Adam: Or AXES!

Ryan, forcefully: G L I T T E R !!!

Adam, angry: BULLETS!

Jack: I can't even tell if this is a real argument-


Jack: You call it being "really bad at darts", I call it freestyle acupuncture.

Ryan, kneeling over Adam's body: Oh my God, Jack. Your dart stabbed Adam in the neck!


(When Adam comes home to see that Jack and Ryan accidentally broke everything in his apartment)

Adam: ....... Hahahaha... Haha...

Jack: Hahaha? .....Is this a good laugh or a bad laugh?


Ryan, starting to cry: Haha, well the longer it goes on, the more I think it's a bad laugh. We broke him...


Ryan: Lol, that moment when you enter a room and forget why you went in there-

Murderer: *Stabs him*

Ryan: Oh, yeah. I was being chased by a serial killer.


(AJR, shopping at a grocery store)

Adam, looking at the shopping list: Alright, what else do we need?

Jack, hugging both of them: I don't know, I have everything I need already!

Ryan: *Happy noises*


Adam: I meant food wise-


(When Adam was in highschool)

Adam: I'm going to this girl's house for dinner tonight, k?

Ryan and Jack: oOoH, do you like her? ;)

Adam: No, but I like dinner.

Ryan and Jack:


(After having a fight)

Ryan: So.... Are we friends again?

Adam: No.




Adam: We're brothers.

Ryan, sighing in relief: That pause was really-

Adam: I still resent you, though.


Adam, sighing: I know you're deflecting by making jokes about how "hot" you are.

Jack: It's not a joke.

Jack: *Sniffles*

Jack: I'm a legit snacc!


Jack: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd make it spell out "Peace".

Adam: No, you'd make it spell out "Fart" and then laugh about it for hours.

Jack: You know me so well.


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