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(A/N) What was the first AJR song you ever heard?


(Jack and Ryan sitting in a Jail cell together)

Ryan: So, should we call Adam?

Jack: I'd call Adam, but I feel safer in jail.


Ryan, sadly: I don't deserve to live.

Adam: I respectfully disagree.


Ryan: You okay, Jack?

Jack, lying face down on the floor: I'm depressed.

Ryan: Damn, me too.

Ryan: No, wait, Hi depressed, I'm dad.

Ryan: No, wait, what's wrong?


Mugger: *Points gun* Your money or your LIFE!

Adam, giving the mugger his ID: Sure thing, dude. You've got two annoying b*tch*ss little brothers now.

Mugger: Wait, wha-

Adam, already running away: You're supposed to play Mario Kart with them in two minutes! Better hurry home!


Jack, walking downstairs: I dressed to impress today~

Adam, not looking up from his phone: Put your clothes back on, Jack.


Adam, turning to Ryan: *Holds up a cup of water* What's this called?

Ryan: Uh, water?

Adam, turning to Jack: Now tell him what you call it.


Jack, quietly: ....Virgin vodka.


Cat: So, how's the cutest person in the world doing today? ;)

Ryan, turning to Jack: Yeah, how are you doing today, sweets?

Jack: Great, actually.



Five Year Old Ryan: I care about you. Here's a pinecone on a stick. <3

Adam, crying: I'll cherish it forever.


Jack: I was arrested once for being way too handsome.

Adam: The charges were immediately dropped due to no supporting evidence.


Ryan: Sometimes I talk to myself.

Ryan: Omg, same.

(Jack's first day of high school)

Jack: Aren't you coming in with me?

Adam: No, I'm not your mom.

Adam: Now here's your lunch. I'll pick you up at four, and don't forget to talk to any cute girls you see!


Ryan, reading baking instructions: Chill in freezer for 30 minutes.

*30 minutes later*

Ryan, climbing out of the freezer: Alright, next step.


Ryan: I made this sibling bracelet for you!

Adam: I'm not really a jewelry person..

Ryan: Oh, well, you don't have to wear it-

Adam: No, I'm gonna wear it. Back off.


Adam: It's hard being the oldest sometimes, but I love Jack and Ryan and that's all that matters-


Adam: *Inhales*


Jack: I'm crying. You made me cry!

Adam: Baby.

Jack: Now is not the time for pet names!!

Adam: ?

Adam: I'm calling you a baby.

Adam: I'm insulting you.


Adam: Cat said she likes mysterious guys.

Ryan: Alright.


Cat: Where are we going?



Person: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.

AJR: Killed without hesitation.


Adam: Here's a box. We're going to put everything we love in this box.

Jack: Can I put Shay in the box?

Adam, sighing: No.

Jack: Well, then can I put you guys in the box?

Adam: Wait, Wha-

Jack, dragging Ryan to the box: Get in.

Jack: You're next, Adam.


Jack, running into the room: GUYS, OH MY GOD! GUYS!

Ryan, whispering: Shh! Adam's sleeping!

Jack, whispering: Oh, sh*t. Sorry.

Ryan, whispering: What's wrong?

Jack, whispering: There's a fire.


Ryan: You're losing a lot of blood!! What's your type?!

Jack: Nice, funny, cute, smart-

Ryan: I mean your blood type!

Jack: Oh. *Squints at wound*

Jack: Red.


Adam: You doing alright?

Ryan, laying face down on his bed: *Muffled* I just need a break from everything. Including existing.

Adam: Alright, if that's what you want.

Adam: *Lays face down next to Ryan*

Ryan, looking up in confusion: What are you doing?

Adam: *Muffled* I'm taking a break from existing with you.


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