"Deanna," said Hermione, teary-eyed. "S-She can't –"

"She did, Hermione. And I'm fine –"

"What she is doing isn't fine, that foul twisted gargoyle! You're not fine at all. You've been sleeping in the kitchens and avoiding everybody. How is that fine, Deanna? You don't have to fight your battles alone. You've got us. You've got me."

Deanna felt a pang at her heart at her words. Fifty years ago, a man she loved told her that, and he had gone and left Deanna alone, but when she looked into Hermione's eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and kindness, Deanna thought that maybe this time, it would be different. Maybe Hermione would be here to stay.

"I –" Deanna found it hard to express the gratitude she felt in words. She opened her mouth and closed it before she simply leaned in and placed a kiss on Hermione's forehead. "Thank you... Mione."

Lub dub... lub dub... Hermione's cheeks flushed. There was a warmth lingering on her forehead. She stared at the beaming girl in front of her, and unknowingly, a smile spread across her face. "I'm here for you, Deanna, and don't you think for a second that you shouldn't have returned because you're the best thing that happened to us this year."

"I don't regret a thing, Mione," said Deanna softly. "I got to meet you, and that's what makes it all worth it."

Lub dub... lub dub... There it was again. A strange sensation came over Hermione's body as she smiled back at Deanna. But no matter how strange it was, Hermione would welcome it every time it would come. It made her feel warm like a fire was lit inside her. She promised then. She would be there for the Hufflepuff and get to know her better.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Okay, I can do this. I can do this. I'm Angelic Ariana, yes I am." Deanna took in a deep breath as she arrived at the gargoyle on Monday morning. "Fizzing Whizbee." The gargoyle moved aside and Deanna smiled at him weakly as she walked up the stairs and to her father's office. She took in another deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said Dumbledore softly, and as Deanna pushed the door open, Dumbledore's eyes widened when he saw who was there. "Hello, love."

"Hey, Pops," said Deanna, smiling slightly and sitting down in front of him. She glanced at her father who was watching her with a soft smile, and she did what she didn't what to do. She met her father's light blue eyes that were same as her own, and everything she was holding in since Tuesday had came out. Dumbledore kept himself composed though he was raging inside. How dare that woman touch his daughter? How dare she tell Deanna that she should not have returned? And he raged even more at the thought that he didn't know and that he couldn't prevent his daughter from getting hurt.

Deanna knew that though her father looked calm, there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. She knew he was angry about what happened. She reached over for his hand with her scarred one and smiled at him, "I'm fine, Pops. Don't even think about doing something. I need you here, and for you to be here, we need to keep our heads down."

"Keep our heads down?" said Dumbledore, raising his eyebrow. Deanna smiled guiltily. She was the hothead between the two of them. Dumbledore shook his head in amusement and let out a sigh. "I won't do anything if you promise that you and Harry will try to keep your heads down."

𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें