lviii. potterwatch

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As she fell onto grass, Deanna stood up immediately, seeing Hermione running in a circle and waving her wand. "Protego Totalum... Salvio Hexia..." Deanna took out her own wand and helped Hermione out, muttering spells under her breath.

"That treacherous old bleeder!" Ron panted, throwing the Cloak to Harry. "Hermione, you're a genius, a total genius, I can't believe we got out of that!"

"Cave Inimicum... Didn't I say it was an Erumpent horn, didn't I tell him? And now his house has been blown apart!"

"Serves him right," said Ron, examining his cuts to his legs. "What d'you reckon they'll do to him?"

"Oh, I hope they don't kill him!" groaned Hermione. "That's why I wanted the Death Eaters to get a glimpse of Deanna and Harry before we left, so they knew Xenophilius hadn't been lying!"

"Why hide me, though?" asked Ron.

"You're supposed to be in bed with spattergroit, Ron! They've kidnapped Luna because her father supported Deanna and Harry! What would happen to your family if they knew you're with him?"

"But what about your mum and dad?" Deanna's eyes widened at Ron's words but she quickly masked her look of surprise with a blank face. She wondered if they had opened her letter yet though she trusted they didn't do so.

"They're in Australia," said Hermione. "They should be all right. They don't know anything."

"You're a genius," Ron repeated, looking awed.

"Yeah, you are, Hermione," agreed Harry fervently. "I don't know what we'd do without you."

She beamed, but became solemn at once. "What about Luna?"

"Well, if they're telling the truth and she's still alive —" began Ron.

"Don't say that, don't say it!" squealed Hermione. "She must be alive, she must!"

"Then she'll be in Azkaban, I expect," said Ron. "Whether she survives the place, though... Loads don't..."

"Luna's a fighter." Deanna smiled at them, feeling bad that she had only thought of escaping and not about saving Luna or Xenophilius. Then, she remembered Jemina. She didn't have a clue if Jemina did come back or not and Harry, Ron and Hermione did not know if she did return. Was she alright? How many more would have to die or be hurt before they won this war?

"She is," said Harry. "She's tough, Luna, much tougher than you'd think. She's probably teaching all the inmates about Wrackspurts and Nargles."

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