Chapter 15

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No One's P.O.V
The students look the left turn, the turn that lead into the forbidden forest.

The place where Raven and Beastboy had their date last night.

The reason it was forbidden was for the fact that Demons claimed it as territory in the 1990s. It was the only place that no one ever dared to step into until the two lovebirds came along.

They now entered the field that Beastboy made new memories in last night.

"They shouldn't come to search for us here"The Werewolf said.

"Oh no! We left the cats behind!"Starfire exclaimed.

"Don't worry about them, Moon is a Witch's cat"Cyborg collapsed on the floor and tried to catch his breath.

"What about Rachel?"Robin asked, Beastboy looked at the forest and prayed for her safety.

"We can just hope she used her powers and got out of there"Garfield said.

I look at Salem who was talking to the vampires, he was so fast that Beastboy couldn't even see him attack the FBI.

"I've been meaning to ask this but are you guys sure friend Rachel was born with powers?"Starfire asked. "We may have seen her teleport and use something that might have been her powers at the festival but it's not confirmed yet, no one is denying that it may have not been hers"I turn to Cyborg who was looking at me.

"Star's not wrong, there are witches who don't have powers but can cast spells and be equally as powerful as a normal witch"Robin crossed his arms.

"Wait, so let's say Raven doesn't have powers and she forgets all the spells she's learnt, how will she escape?"Cyborg asked and sat up, Beastboy's heart starts pounding as he starts to image Raven struggling.

"I'm going after her!"Garfield said and was about to run back when Cyborg and Robin held him back.

"Are you stupid?! You'll get caught too!"

"I don't care! You said it yourself! What if she's in real trouble and they try doing something to her!" Cyborg's grip loosened as so did Robin's.

Beastboy took the chance and broke free and ran out the forest with Star, Robin and Cyborg following after him.

Once they arrived at the school the FBI were running out and going back into their cars.

Without a second thought Beastboy ran back into the building, passing through empty dorms.

He finally got into Raven's dorm, he stopped and stared, the door had gun holes and was broken down.

He walked inside and saw ruins, everything was broken and ripped to shreds, the cats weren't anywhere to be seen and so wasn't Raven.

Beastboy ran around the whole dorm opening every door he could, hoping to find her, though he didn't find her, he did find something unexpected, 2 bottles of pills.

His friends approached behind him.

"Dude...what's that?"Cyborg asked with shock, Starfire looked away.

"Oh"Robin said not knowing what to do.

"Power Prevention Pills and Flashback Prevention Pills"Beastboy mumbled, Starfire stayed quiet.

After a few minutes

They arrived back to the forest with mixed emotions, people asked where they went but they didn't answer, they stayed quiet.

❖ Every Creature Academy ❖Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora