Chapter 29

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No One's P.O.V
The group of 5 stayed in shock as the bell rang, they didn't know how to react.

Jinx nearly got killed, Raven suddenly started to use her powers and on top of that Salem teleported into the scene and teleported out of it taking Raven.

Beastboy sat down in his class seated next to Cyborg, frozen in shock.

The class looked at them in surprise, they're usually the ones causing the ruckus, the teacher sighed in relief not wanting to deal with the two.

As night came Beastboy, Cyborg, Starfire and Robin were seated in Cyborg and Beastboy's dorm.

"What do we do?"Starfire asked.

"Nothing, we let her come to us"They turn to Beastboy. "Every time it was us going back to her, if she actually cares about us she'll come"

"Dude you sure-"

"Yeah, I know it's my fault for making her mad but she could have hurt Lucky"Beastboy said while looking at the picture frame on his night stand.

It was a photo of him, Cyborg and Raven in their first year of Every Creature Academy, that photo held so much memories for him.

"I think I know what Raven was talking with Salem about"

Beastboy turned his attention to Robin.

"Remember how we found out that Raven was stuck in Hell and then she suddenly came back with Salem's sister"Beastboy nods still not getting it along with Starfire.

"No way.."Cyborg said. "They can't be.."

"How else would she have gotten here?"Beastboy and Starfire stared at the two in confusion.

"We think Salem and his sister are demons"

"Demons? You've got to be kidding.."Beastboy said with monotone. "Why are we accusing people of being demons again?"

"Grass stain think about it, Raven was in hell and Salem's sister suddenly turned her in.."

Beastboy shrugged not getting it.

"You fucking idiot! How else would she have found Raven if she wasn't the demon that Moon was talking about"Cyborg slapped Beastboy behind his head. "And to think you were smart a second ago"

"Ohhh! Yeah that makes sense"Beastboy smiled and looked at Starfire who agrees finally getting what they were saying.

"Didn't the news say that a dimension rip was found and that a demon was spotted flying to the Academy around the same time Salem transferred"Robin said.

Starfire put her hands over her mouth dramatically.

"Demon siblings?"Robin nods.

"How else can you explain it, it's the only explanation"

"So they're forcing friend Raven to hang around them?"Starfire asked as Robin shrugs.

"I hope not, but if that's the case then we have to tell the principal"Robin said but Cyborg shakes his head.

"These are just accusations, we need proof"Cyborg said, Beastboy scratched the back of his neck in frustration.

"I know this is bad to think about but..what if friend Raven is a demon?"Beastboy's eyes shifted to Starfire. "I am very sure Witches aren't supposed to look like that whilst using magic"

The group didn't want to admit it but Starfire was right.

"Her and Salem seem to be on good terms as well"

"Raven can't be a demon, she never killed anyone"Beastboy said trying to convince himself.

"Yeah Beasty's right, after all these years she would have at least done something bad"Cyborg said defending Raven.

"You're right..I guess that only leaves Salem and his sister up for suspicion"Starfire nods at Robin."Tomorrow we'll get one of the Vampires to observe them and report any suspicious behaviour"

Next day

Robin got a boy to spy on the siblings.

The boy was in most of Salem's classes but couldn't say the same for Selena's.

While observing Salem he saw nothing suspicious, a completely normal teenager that's bored out of his mind.

When the bell rang Salem meet Selena in the hallway and they started to speak some sort of gibberish. The spy took out his phone and started to record on his phone, he used his powers so that only the two would be heard.

Lunch time rolled around as he went to search for Dick, he found him walking out of his class with Kori by his side.

"I got something!"The Vampire panted, Starfire looked at the boy in confusion, the spy passed Robin his phone as he played the recording.

"What language is that?"Starfire asked.

"I don't know, him and Selena stopped in the hallway and started talking" Robin nods as he airdrops the recording to his phone and hands the boy's phone back.

Robin took out 20 dollars from his pocket and gave it to the boy as he runs away.

"When did you..?"

"That doesn't matter, if they are speaking what I think they are then we have solid proof"Starfire had a bad feeling but decided not to say anything.

The two met up with Beastboy and Cyborg in the abandoned arena.

"We have proof! Well maybe"Robin hands Cyborg his phone as he plays the recording.

"What are they saying?"Beastboy asked as Starfire shrugged.

"Let me try to analyse it"Victor pressed something on his wrist as a blue glow comes out, he puts the phone on top of it as it started to levitate.

"Dude..."Beastboy said in awe.

Cyborg played the recording again as a loading circle showed up on his wrist but soon turned into an X.

"Even my technology can't find out, it could be the demon language since it's the only language that isn't in any records"Robin grinned.

"Can't we just ask Mrs.Curtains?"Beastboy suggested.

"We could but if it really is the demon language she's going to ask how we got this"Cyborg said as Beastboy tsked.

"What if we say that it was on the YouTube and is some sort of tutorial on the language and that we only wanted to know if it was truthful"Cyborg thought about it.

"We could do that"He says.

"Good job Star"Robin pats her head as she blushes furiously.

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