Chapter 27

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No One's P.O.V
Raven was trying to figure out her next move. She felt guilty for lying to her friends but what else was she supposed to say?

"He's a demon that I threatened to stay or I'd kill and the same for his sister?'

Raven avoided eye contact with her best friends, she didn't want to feel even more shit then she already did.

"Beasty, maybe she just made a new friend, Can she not make new friends?"

"Of course she can! But Salem is sketchy and not to mention accused her of being a demon, he's an enemy!"

"Dude Star and Rob accused her two and now they're our friends"

"They're different! They actually care for Raven now, how do we know he's not using her?"Victor started to think, Beastboy had a point and a really good one too.

Robin, Starfire and Jinx walked in but stayed still as they watched the argument.

"Rob! Thank god you're here!"Robin and Starfire walked closer to the trio. "Tell him that Salem is a bad guy"

"I'm not gonna lie..Salem is weird"A grin appeared on Garfield's face.

"See!"Cyborg rolls his eyes.

"What's this all about?"Starfire took a seat next to Raven, Jinx stayed still next to Robin.

"He's mad at me because I talked to Salem and was late because of it"Raven said as Starfire shook her head in disappointment.

"What were you talking to him about?"Jinx asked in curiosity, Raven stayed quiet.

"Can't you tell us at least that?"Beastboy said.

"It's private.."Garfield facepalmed.

"Private..alright private, what's so private that you tell a complete stranger but not the friends you had for 5 years?"Raven bit the inside of her cheek.

"Friend don't pressure her, maybe it's something only the dark creatures can relate to"

"Then why wouldn't she go to one of the Superior Witches, why would she talk about her problems with a Vampire when she has a whole group of Witches that could relate to her more?"Starfire sighs in defeat.

"For once you have very valid points"

They stayed quiet for a moment.

"I had to discuss something about class with him"

"Stop lying already"

"I'm no-"

"Then why couldn't you have said that earlier but stayed quiet? It took you 3 minutes to tell us that"Raven grit her teeth in frustration, he was right, she stood up from her seat.

"It's none of your business! You don't have to get involved in everything that concerns me!"Raven yelled at him.

"You say that but when I don't then you disappear for almost 2 months with no trace!"Beastboy yelled back.

Cyborg put a hand on Beastboy's arm to tell him to calm down but the shapeshifter moved his arm away.

"Before we got attacked you lied to us again! Studying the demon language? You couldn't come up with something else?! You came back from our date and immediately went to study?! You expect me to believe that?!"

Jinx's eyes widened as the argument continued, her heart ached.

"Stop getting so fucking angry about it!"

"You expect me not to when you've lied to us this many times?!"Beastboy walked closer to her.

"It's not that deep!"

"C-Can't we calm down?"Jinx tried to calm them down, she put both of her hands on the future couple's shoulders.

"Don't touch me"Raven said with disgust moving back. "When did I give you permission to touch me or be in the same space as me?"

"Don't turn your anger on her"Beastboy said defending Jinx, she blushed and took her hand off of him.

"Shut up, the girl shouldn't be putting her filthy hands on me"Raven glared at Jinx brushing off the spot on her shoulder she touched.

"She tried to help"

"And she faile-"

"Stop acting so high and mighty"Jinx intruded.

"Oh no"Cyborg whispered, the two girls both had strong personalities.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"Raven said in monotone, Robin watched as the atmosphere started to have tension.

"Who else is rude and self-centred?"Jinx grit her teeth.

"Shut it rat"Raven glared, Starfire's eyes widened.

"I hate people who think they're the most important person in this world"

"I hate people who don't mind their business"Cyborg pressed a few buttons on his wrist and started to record.

"I don't know how you still survived acting like that"

"Don't start something you can't finish"Raven glared. "Peasant"

"Peasant? How great are you so be calling me a peasant, you low-life"Jinx glared back.

"Friends don't figh-"

"Starfire please don't get involved"Raven warned as Starfire slowly nodded.

"So you can be nice?"

"Only to the people that deserve it"

"You spoiled brat, I bet you got fed lies that's why you lie so much"

"Speak to me when you can get your crush to like you back"Raven said harshly as Jinx stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. "If you try to test me again I won't hesitate to dismember you and embarrass you in front of the whole school"

Raven grabbed her robe, slid it on and took her hat in her hand, as she started walking away. She sensed something.

Watch out.

A low voice said at the back of her head as Raven said her mantra by reflex making something behind her freeze.

Rachel turned around and saw a pink ball of magic, she looked at Jinx with blood thirsty eyes, her murderous aura started to surround her.

"I warned you"Jinx flinched at the way Raven looked, almost like a demon looking at it's pray.

Something took over Raven as her eyes turned red and black swords appeared around Jinx circling her neck.

Jinx gulped.

"Say your last words peasant"A demonic voice mixed with Raven's, scaring her friends.

Out of nowhere Salem teleported into the scene and put his hand over her eyes and the other around her arms making them stick to her sides.

"Let go!"Raven yelled.

Salem whispered something as the swords disappeared and the two vanished into thin air.

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