Chapter 52

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Raven P.O.V
Salem's face twisted in confusion at my statement.

"An Angel?"I nod, he steps back and looks at the floor. "This has to be a joke, it's a joke right?"I shake my head from side to side as Salem clicks his tongue. "That stupid shit!"He says in frustration and kicks a tree making it collapse.

"I thought you knew"

"You think she would have the guts to tell me?! An angel! She's lost her mind!"He cursed.

"Tell me about it, I thought it was a simple crush but you said she went to confess"I held back a smile.

The situation was so hilarious to me for some reason, my lips started to curve as I stifled a laugh.

The more I held back the more the urge to burst out laughing became stronger, my eyes started to tear up.

I couldn't hold it back anymore and erupted into a laughing fit, he looked at me completely flabbergasted.

"Why are you laughing?"My laugh started to die down as I wiped away my tears.

"You seriously thought I wouldn't notice?"I chuckle.

"So you lied?"

"Of course not, I just wanted to see how you would react"

I don't why I had the sudden desire to cause some drama, it was out of character for me but I didn't question it. It's been a weird day today anyway, how much more weirder could it get?

Salam sighed in annoyance and pulled out his phone, he pressed on something and put it to his ear.

"Your training's done Gem, let's take a break"He started walking away.

"Where're you going?"

"Follow me"Raven picked up her cloak and followed Salem into the sky.

"I hope you know that I know where you are taking me"She said, he turned to her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Salem, am not I read your mind because you were acting suspicious"He groaned.

"Now what? It's not a surprise anymore"

"I'll just act surprised"

Salem flew down onto the school grounds and pulled down his hood, Raven copied as he led her to the abandoned arena.

"Now remember, Wow! A surprise?! For me?"He said dramatically.

"No"She walked into the broken gate, there was nothing there, the arena looked just as it always did.

"I thought you said it was here"Salem looked around.

"It's supposed to be-"

"Surprise!"A white flash engulfed them, pink magic charged towards Raven and before she could react it shot right into her.

She squeezed her eyes shut waiting for impact but felt no pain, she opened one eye and saw her friends smiling at her in glee. The whole arena had been glamorised, there was a massive dinner table with all her favourite snacks and foods and in the middle was a birthday cake that was so big it could feed the whole school, a chocolate fountain was displayed right next to it, a gigantic banner floated in the sky reading 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAVEN'. Her friends were dressed in white except Beastboy who wore a black suit to match her.

"Whoa"Was all she could muster, Starfire and Agnes ran over to her and hugged the life out of her.

"Guys let her breath"Lilith said and the two girls let go. "You may want to look down Rachel"Raven did as told and her eyes widened, she was in a sparkly black dress, it hugged her body perfectly and she couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

"Friend Raven, you look gorgeous!"Starfire said.

"I told you, you would be surprised"Salem smirked, she rolled her eyes.

"Do you like the chocolate fountain it was any idea"Cyborg said with pride.

"No it wasn't, it was mine!"Robin crossed his arms, Cyborg narrowed his eyebrows.

"I thought of it first"

"No you didn't!"The two bickered while the Supreme Witches and Starfire dragged off Raven.

"She looks concerned"Jinx said as she stood beside Beastboy watching as everyone paid all their attention to the demoness.

"She's just overwhelmed a little, she'll get used to it"She smiled as Starfire pulled out her phone and started forcing Raven to take pictures.

Agnes took the phone while they posed for the pictures, Raven eventually warmed up.

"Aren't you going to talk to her?"

"I've gotta let everyone have their fill first"

Within a few minutes, Raven decided to sit out the activities that they were making her play. She sat down and let out a sigh, she was happy and she loved the party but she needed a break.

"May I take this seat?"She looked up.

"Since when do you ask?"Beastboy smiled and sat next to her, he took her hand and laid a kiss on the back of it.

"You look beautiful Rae"A small blush spread across her cheeks.

"You don't look too bad yourself Gar"She messed up his hair, he chuckled. "Is this why you disappeared this morning?"He nodded. "You couldn't even leave a note?"

"Please don't remind me, I already felt as bad as it is, knowing that you were looking for me, it just ripped my heart into two"He said dramatically. "Regardless, am sorry for making you worry Rae"He kissed her cheek.

"You can make it up to me"

"How may I serve you, your highness"She cracked a smile.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out later"He raised his eyebrows, his imagination roaming wildly, a rouge appearing on his cheeks. "You're cute"She pecked his lips and stood up walking over to the girls.

Beastboy let out a sigh of astonishment.

She had him wrapped around her finger and he loved it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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