Chapter 40

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Beastboy P.O.V
So she's going to join again, that's 5 years in a row.

"And then I was like, you mad bro?!"Wally was ranting about his fight with some guy from the Elves Category.

"Garfield!"I twist my head to the side to find the owner of the voice.

"Lucky?"She smiled at me.

"I want to know you're opinion on something"I nod as starts to pull on her skirt. "Is it bad that I joined the Position Battles?"It took me a few seconds to realise what she said, Wally bursted out laughing.

"You? Are you kidding me?!"Wally said between breaths.

"What's so bad about me joining?"Lucky glared.

"Listen, am not saying that you're aren't good enough am just saying you might end up like Milly"

Milly was a girl that participated in the battles a year ago, she was paired with one the Witches from Rae's group and let's just say she never showed her face in the Academy again.

"Am strong, I can beat them if I really wanted to"Wally wiped a tear and grinned in amusement.

"What would you do if you got paired with Miss Lilith or Miss Rachel?"Lucky crossed her arms.

"I would destroy them of course"She said with a serious face.

"Ah..aren't you a bit too..I don't know, weaker then them?"Jinx tsked.

"Of course not! They're just overrated"Wally turned to me and grinned again.

"She didn't come last year did she?"I shrugged.

"What happened last year?"

"The Superior Witches had to battle each other for the practice matches, it turned out to be a tie"Wally looked back at Jinx.

"That's why the whole arena had to be closed for 3 months last year"Lucky's eyes widened. "Raven really went all out, am surprised she didn't blow up the sky"Wally shivered.

"She's scary"I chuckle. "How are you guys not dating yet? You act more lovey dovey then most of the couples here"

"...we're just friends"I said.

I still don't know if Rae's comfortable with people knowing about us. I keep telling myself to ask her but when am with her I keep forgetting.

"Friends?"Lucky raised her eyebrow. "You guys broke up?"I nearly choked on my split.

"You guys dated?!"Wally yelled as people started to stare at us.

"Lucky and Garfield dated?"

I heard someone whisper, then the whole Category started to talk about us, I facepalm. Great, now people are going to think I used to go out with her.

"No, Lucky got the wrong idea, me and Raven never dated"I said in annoyance.

How am I going to explain this to Rae?

"But-ohhhh"Lucky scratched her nape and looked at the floor in embarrassment.

She must have realised that I was trying to do.

"Man that's rough, I really thought one day you two would hit it off"A smile cracks on my face, he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry bro! Am sure she'll come around one day!"

"Thanks for the support"Wally nods and grins.

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