Chapter 47

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Jinx's P.O.V
He hasn't been calling me anymore...

He must have figured things out with Rachel then, this means he'll stop paying attention to me again...

"Hey, you okay?"Wally shook my shoulder.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and focused my gaze on the person who awoke me from my daydream.

Wally West.

He's not a bad person but he's not a good one either, he's extremely annoying.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"We sat next to each other in nearly every class I had with Metahumans.

"You seem kinda down"


Fuck now he knows something's bothering me! Now he won't leave me alone!

"Well, I won't force it out of you"Wally wrapped his hands around his head and leaned into the chair. "If it's making you sad enough to actually show emotion then I'll shut up"


"I know I might not seem reliable and I might not be considered a friend but if you need to talk to anyone or a shoulder to cry on, you can always hit my line"He looked at me and gave me a genuine smile.


Maybe he's not so bad.

I look down at my textbook as a small smile creeped onto my lips without me realising.

"Thanks Wally"

Even though it was a few words, it sorta cheered me up.

"By the way"I looked up "What's the answer to question 7?"I sigh as he grinned.


I got back to my dorm and crashed onto my bed, I'm exhausted, school is getting harder by the day.

"You good Jinky?"Karen opened my door and leaned on my doorway, I didn't answer, I just staying quiet in my pillow. "What did you do this time?"She sat down next to me, I turn over.

"Nothing"Bumblebee raised her eyebrow.

"Oh? Why so down then? Even after a hard day you've just brushed it off"I roll my eyes at her.

"He....doesn't call me anymore"Karen shakes her head.

"Bitch-"Bumblebee pushed me off my bed.

"What the hell?!"I yelled after recovering from my fall.

"How many times have I told your stupid ass to stop following him around!"She pointed her finger at my forehead. "You're hurting yourself more by doing this!"She kept jabbing me in the forehead.

I turn my head to look the other way and pout.

It's not my fault! I can't stop! I want to stop, I really do but it's hard when I know I can actually have him.

"Sorry"I mumbled, a tick mark appeared on her forehead as her anger grew.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it! I'm not going to sit around and see you hurt yourself even more!"

I know she cares and all but how is her screaming honestly going to help? It isn't going to change anything.

"Lucky!"I looked at her. "If I ever see you around him or hear you picking up his calls I'll get a new roommate"

A few seconds passed as I started to take everything in.


"You heard me! If you don't forget him I'll get a new roommate"A frown fell upon my lips as it started to sink in.

"Karen! You can't be serious!"I stood up, Bumblebee walked towards the door.

"I'm not kidding around Lucky"And she slammed the door behind her.

With my mouth wide open from shock I sat down on my bed.

What am I going to do?

After some time thinking.

I look over to my phone on the nightstand, I take it from it's charger and pick a name from my contacts.


"Wally...are you free right now?"

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