Chapter 33

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Raven P.O.V
I watched as Beastboy ran to her aid.

When the fuck did he get so close to her?

I might be overreacting but I can't help it, since when does he care about a girl that's not me.

"You're the star of my life" Yeah right.

"What the-"Salem said.

"Raven!"Beastboy yelled at me, Lucky I think her name was kept staring at me."Why did you electrocute her?!"

"She attacked first"I said in monotone.

"You didn't have to electrocute her!"I rolled my eyes.

"Friends!"Starfire, Robin and Cyborg came running to us. "What has happened?!"

"The pink thing tried to attack us"Starfire looked at the chains that were still wrapped around my arm.

"Take them off or I will"I glared at Lucky as her chains faded away. I look up as everyone stared at us. "Can I go back inside now?"I asked as the principal nodded.

I started to walk inside the building but just as I was about to walk up the stairs someone grabbed my wrist.

"Apologise to her"Beastboy said.

"Don't touch me"I tried to pull my arm back but he was stronger, he twisted me around.

"What's wrong with you?"He looked me in the eyes. "You've changed, the old Raven wouldn't even use her powers like that"I grit my teeth, I slapped him.

"I'm not the one who changed! Where's the boy who would chase me around asking for my hand in marriage?!"Something exploded. "Looks like you've found your new love interest!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did! Since when did you start to pick fights with me?!"Beastboy looked behind him as Starfire, Robin, Cyborg, Salem and Selena quickly disappeared.

He pulled me upstairs.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch me!"Garfield didn't answer and took me to my dorm.

He locked the door to my dorm.

"I love you"I stood there surprised.


"I love you"

"You don't mean it"

"I love you"

"Stop repeating it!"

"I love you"A blush covered my cheeks.

Beastboy wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me as butterflies danced in my stomach.

"You're the only girl that I'd sacrifice myself for, you're the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with"Beastboy said with a serious look, the blush on my face increased.

"You're in love with a demon you know"

"I don't care, if it means that you'll trust me more to tell me about your problems then I'm more then happy"I put my hands up to hide my face.

Why does he have to be so romantic?!

Beastboy takes one of his hands off my waist and removes my hand.

"Look at me"I take off the other hand and look into his eyes. Beastboy puts his hand on my cheek and slowly pulls me in.

The butterflies in my stomach increased as our lips connected.

Almost as a reflex my arms were around his neck pulling him closer, Garfield deepened the kiss as he slipped his tongue into my mouth surprising me.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes, he was blushing madly with a nosebleed.

"I made out with Raven"Garfield mumbled, I took him to the Kitchen and cleaned him up.

"Moron"I said, he grinned at me.

"Only for you Rae"He hugged me, he buried his head in my neck.

"Am guessing this hugging thing is never going to end"He nodded. "What are you going to do about that pink haired girl"Beastboy lifted his head looking at me in confusion.

"You mean Lucky?"I nodded. "What about her?"A tick mark appeared on my forehead.

"She likes you, you idiot!"I hit him behind his head, he rubbed the sore spot.

"She does? I never realised.."

I wonder why.

"I don't want to hurt her feelings but I want to be with you"Beastboy said, he started thinking.

Why is he thinking? Since when does he think?

"Beastboy?"I said poking his cheek. "Beastboy"Nothing "Gar?"He looked up at me in surprise.

"What did you call me?"I then realised what I said and blushed.

"Nothing"I looked off to the side

"Say it again!"


"Please!"I look back at him as his eyes sparkled, I tsked.

"G-Gar"His face started to shift from green to red.

"Raven gave me a nickname"Beastboy mumbled as his nosebleed came back.

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