Fly Me To The Moon

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1. The plot is stolen from the only Larry Stylinson I've ever read. Would love to link it, but it must have been deleted because I couldn't find it anymore. Also, have you ever tried to find one single ff about Larry? I am still recovering...

2. I tried to be as realistic and accurate as possible. And then realised that I am social science gal and there was no way in hell I could get this right, so I bulshitted my way through everything science related. (so basically everything). Oopsie.

Have fuuuuun!


"Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Eddy jumped up from the bed but immediately fell to the side, the sheets he had been entangled with gliding down his body.

Damnit. He forgot that he was naked.

Rushing to get back into an upright position, he grabbed the sweatpants that were laying closest to him. They were tight. They weren't his.

"Get up", he cursed while he threw on a shirt, "Brett, get up! We're late."

Brett's head was poking out from the walls of pillows.


"Late. We're late."

Eddy tried to collect clothes for Brett to wear.

"How late?"

"Too late. Come on, get up, you need a shower."

"Come shower with me?"

"Cheeky", Eddy scolded but a smile was creeping on his face. He put the pile of clothes in the bathroom and started to turn on the water, so it would be warm by the time Brett would step underneath it.

"We wouldn't shower and you know it. We don't have time."

"Why do I need to shower then if you don't?"

When Eddy stepped out of the bathroom, a racoon-like Brett was stumbling out of bed, sheets wrapped around him, glasses missing, eyes still closed, hair standing up.

He looked a mess. A cute mess. A mess nonetheless.

" 'cause you won't get a shower for months, while I can shower tonight. Take it as long as you can."

"I still don't care."

"I will not shoot you into space un-showered and now get a move one", Eddy yelled and went to the living room, trying to collect everything Brett was potentially needing.

God, the other was such a slob, why hadn't he gotten his shit together the night before like a normal human being?

Throwing some bread into a toaster, he tried to finish packing and was just putting Brett's phone into his bag when the other emerged, still barefoot but with sweatpants and a shirt, which could be counted as win.

"Check if there is everything in there you need", he ordered Brett while putting some butter and cheese on the finished toast.

"Crap", he cursed again, putting everything on a plate in front of Brett, throwing an apple in the mix as well, "fuck, you need to eat properly."

All Brett did was make a face.

"I don't want anything. I'll always get sick."

"You'll get sick on an empty stomach."

"Let's grab some starbucks on the way."

"Coffee is no food!", Eddy chastised him while looking for some socks and throwing the others shoe's in his general direction.

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