The Moment

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"I have to run to my parents. You're okay to wait by yourself?"

"Of course. Go. Sorry for occupying your flat in the first place."

"You're no bother, don't worry."

Nathaniel waved him goodbye and then left Brett behind.

For a minute or two, Brett went back to reading his book but he felt restless. He put it down and went to his violin case instead.

Checking the time, he made sure that he was allowed to play - never before 8am, never between 12 and 3pm and in theory, not after 10pm but in reality, not after 8pm.

It was 4pm now.

Which meant he could play without getting in trouble with Nathaniel's neighbours.

It also meant that he had been waiting for six hours.

Longingly, he looked over to the phone receiver lying next to the phone station. It made no noise though, which meant that he was still queuing for his call to be put through.

If he was unlucky, he wouldn't get connected at all today, which would mean he had to wait another week to try again.

Tightening his bow, he cursed at himself for only registering the call at 10am. He should have known better, he should have just done it straight away or asked Nathaniel to do it for him.

Nathaniel was already doing so much though, letting him use the phone in the first place, so Brett didn't had to spend the day at the post office with everyone else, trying to get a call out.

After some warm-ups, he was running through Bruch. The stormy third movement reflecting his exhausting week, the music working like therapy to get the frustration and tiredness out of his system.

It was past 5pm and he was in his third run through when the tell-tale sign for an established connection came from the phone.

Brett dashed across the room to grab it.

"Connection being established, call is transferred", a tired voice came through the scratchy speaker.

"Thank you", Brett hastily said, trying to safely put his violin away, while being tied to the phone.

A prominent clacking noise could be heard through the line, the usual sign that a third party tapped into their conversation to observe when finally, Brett heard what he was waiting for.

Eddy's voice.


"Hi", Brett rushed out.

"You're late today, I thought it wouldn't work out."

"I know, I am so sorry. I had to help out my granny this morning and couldn't register the call until 10am."

"It always blows my mind that you have been sitting next to that phone for so long."

Easy for Eddy to say. He only heard the phone ring whenever the call was transferred to him.

Which couldn't have been more than two or three minutes ago.

"You must have been waiting as well though", Brett said, knowing what it was like, "I always feel bad for keeping you at home on a Sunday."

"Don't feel bad. I'll happily wait."

Since Eddy didn't knew when Brett's call would be put through, he had to stay close to the phone as well. Although it was safe to say that it would always take hours, so he sometimes would go out in the morning, knowing that the call wouldn't come before the afternoon.

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