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"Happy Birth-..."

"Let me stop you right there."

Exasperated, Eddy let out a deep breath.

"Well, let me at least invite you to coffee", he mumbled grumpily and they got into the queue of their favourite coffee shop.

"Any point in asking how life as a 30 year old is?"


It was clear as day that Brett was exactly zero excited.

"Go and grab us a table before the barista will spit in our coffee with your sparkling personality today."

Without further ado, Brett left him behind and got them a corner seat.

Eddy used the time to gather himself. He knew that the other hated birthdays but this year seemed to be particularly bad.

"Two coffees, please", he ordered when he was at the counter, "actually, make them irish. Thanks."

That he made the right choice became apparent as soon as Brett's face lit up after the first sip.

"That's more like it", he hummed and they clinked their mugs in somewhat of a 'cheers'.

"Since I am not allowed to congratulate you, may I at least give you a present?"

"Will there be a big fat 30 on it? Anti-aging cream? A coupon for 5pm dinner?"

"I can't wait for us to be actually old, if you're already overreacting like this now."

"It's not the actual number", Brett sighed and he looked genuinely defeated, "fuck the 30, honestly. It's just another year that has...passed."


"Without anything happening."

"What do you mean?"

Brett shrugged his shoulder and took a sip of his coffee.

"Life, I guess."

"You have a nice life. You have a permanent spot in orchestra, something you always wanted and don't forget that your new flat is really nice."

"My first own flat. At 30! I feel, like I should be further."


"In life. Or something like that. I mean, you know how it is. Everyone's already at their third promotion, buying houses, marrying, getting kids, being doctors or CEO's. And stuff."

"Hey now", Eddy tapped him on the hand, that was laying on the table, "your life is not bad, ay?"

"No, you're right. It could be worse."


With a wicked smile, Eddy pushed the present across the table.

"You did get me anti-aging cream!"

Eddy's laugh could be heard in the entire store.


It took so much money for him to furnish his flat but it was finally done and Brett was happily snuggled in a blanket on a Sunday night after a concert on his couch, half a bottle of red wine already finished, hanging on his phone with the tv running in the background.

Like many evenings, he felt relaxed-unsettled.

He was content but at the same time, there was a nagging feeling in his tummy that he could never really put his finger on.

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