If I could choose

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Disclaimer: very ooc Brett. Because I thought it fit the story better but now I am really weirded out by it.

The whole story just got really weird...

Also, 12k words, so, um, enjoy? I guess?


It hurt more than he expected when his body collided with the concrete wall behind him. With a grunt, Brett rolled himself to the side, to avoid the shots that were fired to the imprint of him in the wall that could still be seen.

Faster than his attacker expected, he aimed at its legs with his own guns and after a moment of surprise that halted his opponents movement, Brett shot at the head. That burst open like a ripe watermelon.

He couldn't catch a breath though, because the next alien was at his side before he could even blink, accompanied by two friends and, man, he really would have skipped the second serving of lunch if he would have known how much activity he would have to do in the afternoon.

His good old machete in one hand and a gun in the other, he was able to take out two more aliens and kicked the third one into the building next to him with a well-placed roundhouse kick when suddenly, a whole dozen of them started to pile into the street he was in and oh, fuck, this was maybe a bit much.

It didn't stop him from going head first into the line of enemies and killing another four before he started to run into actual problems.

One opponent would have hit him in the shoulder while he was busy attacking another one if the alien wouldn't have burst into flames all of a sudden.

Turning to his side, he could see Eddy joining him.

All of a sudden, the wall of aliens wasn't as unstoppable anymore and with some more well placed attacks, physical and flammable ones, they had finished them off quickly.

Nearly burning off a building. Or two.

But that counted as collateral and wasn't too bad.

"They must have loved you, there weren't as many where I was", Eddy joked to Brett, who could only roll his eyes and try to wipe off some of the slime from his sleeves.

"Always the fucking same, with these stupid aliens. We fought off the worst of it, but as long as we don't know who sends them, they'll keep coming."

"I wish we'd have a better warning system", Eddy whined, annoyed at his normal clothes getting dirty whereas Brett apparently had the time to change into proper gear. He wanted to change as quickly as possible.

Disgusting as they were, Brett and Eddy got an uber, a complimentary service that every Avenger in town could use to quickly get through the city.

"I'm gonna charge you for cleaning that off my seats", the uber driver exclaimed when he saw them climbing into the car with the green slime on them everywhere.

"Of course, sorry mate", Eddy nearly flushed red, still not used to this kind of work.

He had only joined the Avengers a bit over a year ago, when he had moved to New York to attend Julliard and accidentally stumbled into a fight between a villain and the Avengers. Tony Stark had pestered him ever since about being part of the team and one fateful day, he had not explicitly said 'no' any longer and had never heard the end of it since then.

Juggling college and superhero life was not what he had expected when he moved away from home but it started to feel scaringly ordinary at this point.

"You did alright today", Brett said and gave him a side glance, "thanks for helping."

"Always happy to do so", Eddy said with a smile.

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