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1st Year

If there was one thing, Eddy truly despised at his conservatory, it was the way the music department of the library was sorted. Which meant, not at all.

There was no system!

It wasn't alphabetical or by genre, but rather at random and if he were to have a wild guess, he suspected the library assistant, a bored third year student, to simply put the returned books and music sheets wherever they could find an empty spot.

Which resulted in every single music student having to go through every single shelf to find the sheets their needed.

After twenty minutes of hectic search, he pulled out Mahler 7 with a triumphal "Ha!" only to realise a second later that he was really running late now. Stuffing the sheets into his backpack for later use, he sprinted across campus to not miss his class.

Only when he studied the music two days later did he notice the small written note on the second page.

This makes no sense

Eddy huffed. He hated vandalism, especially against school property. For a second, he considered to tip-ex the words but was too afraid that he would be the one accused of damaging the sheets.

In the end, he couldn't help but agree with the note. The music on that page made no fucking sense.


He was well into his second semester during his first year when he noticed another note, with the same handwriting. It was in Schubert's Fantasy, second movement, arranged for Piano and Violin.

God, this is so good!!!

Eddy was in the middle of playing a different piece in the collection but for the next hour, he convinced his accompanist to make a quick run through of this page.

The note maker was right. It was a fantastic passage, light and playful, with equal challenging parts for violin and piano, whilst making them harmonise quite nicely.

After the session, he grabbed a pencil to write a light Agreed underneath it. Really small and barely able to read, especially with the bold note on top of it. Eddy felt a bit sacrilegious to even consider leaving notes but he told himself that a pencil could easily be erased and honestly, who really cared anyway?

2nd Year

During his second year, he continued to find more little notes from the same person and without realising it, Eddy was looking forward to them.

Every time he spotted the now familiar handwriting on a page of the sheet music, he was eager to see what the author wrote and if he agreed with it or not.

Sometimes he did, but often he also did not. It was clear that the note maker had to go through some of the music during his university time and frustration and anger was clearly obvious in some of them.

His favourite comment was in a particular difficult passage of the Beethoven Sonata.

Not this time, Satan

Before returning that collection, he copied the page and kept it. He did know that it was a bit weird to have the note pinned on his wall by his desk but it was weirdly motivating.

As the year continued, the wall grew. More and more notes were scattered across his other stuff. He took solace in them, drew some motivation out of it or kept the ones that amused him.

Even though keeping the notes was more than a bit random, Eddy did feel some kind of connection with this stranger who went through the same journey as him during his conservatory time.

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