I would get fired for you - Impeachment

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Secretly, Brett thought that Eddy took way too much joy in dropping him off at the White House every morning.

"Have a good day hun!", he called in such an obnoxiously loud volume that the security at the staff entrance looked around to them.

Brett always hurried to close the passenger door, his face bright red and shushing the snickering staff members at the entrance, scanning his ID as quickly as possible.

Eddys departure from the White House went mostly unnoticed by the administrative staff. It did absolutely not go unnoticed by the service staff and Brett could basically hear whispers and giggles at every corner.

He was reassured by Eddy that words wouldn't be carried around to the higher ups but he didn't quite believe that.

Things had calmed down since the second incident with the President. Public events were reduced to a minimum and the Secret Service Agents were doubled.

Eddy was home for a week now and was very, very bored. He constantly kept on texting Brett during working hours. Mostly just fluffy ones.

'The couch feels empty without you.'

'I made you a cake.'

'Love you, can't wait for you to come home.'

Brett made the mistake of opening a message with an attached photo during a staff meeting when someone else was talking and boy, probably one of the worst decisions he ever made during his still very young career.

He closed the inappropriate message immediately and hoped no one would ask him why his cheeks were so rosy.

"You bastard", was the first thing he said, slumping into the passenger seat when he got picked up and Eddy didn't stop laughing until the late evening.

In the end, Brett was impressed that it took a whole two weeks until he was called in by the higher ups.

In theory, he didn't really had a supervisor, he was already pretty damn high, the highest position in the press office. It should be only the President standing above him but since he usually showed the sense of responsibility of a teenager, it was one of the advisors and their HR lawyer who got commissioned to talk with Brett.

"You know, you are legally not even allowed to ask me", Brett said, crossing his arms in front of his chest after he sat down and the advisor started with 'About you and Mr. Chen...'.

"We know. We would still like to inquire about the status of your relationship."

"As much as you are not allowed to ask, I am not obliged to answer."

"You are only confirming our suspicion."

"Suspicion? You cannot fire me over a suspicion. I am not commenting. My private life is private."

"You are a very public figure, representing this house and the President."

"I am not the one trying to drag someone's private life into the public", he answered in a challenging voice, raising his eyebrows to get his point across even more.

The advisor looked at him thoughtfully. And then turned to the lawyer who only shrugged.

"What he is not saying", Brett pointed at the lawyer but spoke to the advisor, "is that you wouldn't like the legal and public fall out if you try to sack me because of my presumed sexual orientation."

"Because of your presumed relationship with a staff member."

"A presumed staff member who is not even working here any longer. A presumed staff member who was neither under my chain of command nor my department, so there was no interdependence at any point. Presumingly."

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