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It spoke volumes about their relationship that Eddy simply went over when Brett sent a text.

"Please come, I think I did something stupid!"

And honestly, Eddy didn't know what he was meant to expect but a nervous and jittery Brett standing on his porch waiting for him was not helping his already vivid imagination.

He had never been at Bretts new house but from the first look, it suited him. Small, smaller than before, probably only three or four rooms in total, more minimalistic, something he had always wanted.

Eddy himself had gotten himself a nice big loft in the city centre.

"Are you ok?", was the first thing he said when he stepped out of the car and closed the door.

"Yeah", Brett answered curtly, stuffing his hand under his arm pits to stop biting his nails.

He couldn't help but notice how good Eddy looked, all dressed up, a blazer casually thrown over his tshirt. It made him feel terribly insecure, all he could come up with was bloodshot eyes, unkempt hair, a ratty old pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Eddys hoodie, as he just noticed now and he cursed internally about being this stupid.

"What happened then?"

"You have to come inside and see."

Eddy was taken aback. What was this? He stepped onto the porch next to Brett and wondered if the other had become smaller recently or if he was holding himself differently.

"No", Brett held up his hand when Eddy wanted to grab the doorknob, stopping him from doing exactly what he had just asked him to do, "I need to explain something first."

"Brett, what is going on? You're not making any sense."

At that, Brett had to choke back a laugh, a hysterical one, and he knew just how weird this all looked.

"Right", he cleared his throat, "so, do you remember that we had signed up for that one adoption agency?"

Eddy gave him a look that showed exactly what he was thinking. Which was that Brett wasn't only looking weird but also behaving like it.

"No, not, I know what you're thinking, not that one", he left out what he wanted to say, because he just couldn't but then he also didn't need to because Eddy knew exactly what he was talking about, "the other one. The one where we did the first stages and then never heard from them again?"

First Eddy looked as if he had no clue what the other was on about but then Brett could see the realisation spreading over his face.

"That must have been over two years."

"Two and a half, actually", Brett added, "not that I was counting", he supplied with wide eyes when the other gave him a look.

"Anyway", he had to clear his throat again, shuffling his feet nervously and crossing the arms in front of his chest tighter, the urge to bite his nails nearly irresistible, "they called this morning. Left a message on my voicemail."

Pointedly, Eddy glanced at his watch. It was 5 in the afternoon now.

"Saying what?"

"Saying they have a baby up for adoption."

The two of them stared at each other.

"Brett", and for one moment, Eddy didn't know what he was supposed to say.

Brett didn't help in any way, he just looked up at him with those big, wide eyes, that had a certain mad glance to them.

"Oh Brett, don't tell me you-.."

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