The Christmas Advent Calendar

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1st December

"Come oooon!"

"Jesus, you are very into this, aren't you."

Brett rolled his eyes playfully and teased Eddy a second longer, staying put on the couch, while Eddy was standing in the doorway, being his best jittery self.


"Oh my god, ok", this time Brett rolled his eyes for real but got up nonetheless.

"I know it's cool but I don't get why you are this excited about it", he said, giving Eddy a short kiss on the cheek while passing him in the doorway on the way to the kitchen.

Nearly jumping up and down, Eddy followed suit, making Brett nearly nervous as well with it.

"I hope you didn't put too much effort into this because you're gonna be disappointed in what I did."

Now it was Eddy who rolled his eyes.

"Don't lie, I know you chose nice things."

"Well, you'll have to wait and see, won't you", Brett waggled his eyebrows at him provocatively.

They came to a halt in front of their kitchen window, which was full of numbered pouches, green and red. Twenty-four of them. The green ones for the even und the red ones for the uneven days in December. Half for Brett and half for Eddy.

"Now, where is Nr. 1..", Brett mumbled and tried to look for it. Just by the way Eddy was still slightly jumping up and down next to him, he knew that Eddy had already spotted it.

"You make me nervous", Brett said in a similar quiet, sing-sang voice he had used before and received a bump against his shoulder for that.

"It's up there."

Eddy pointed to the top right hand corner, which, really?!

"Dude, how am I meant to reach that?"

"Your problem."

Brett rolled his eyes (again!) and got onto his tip toes to reach up to the pouch, knowing full well that Eddy was enjoying the view in front of him.

"We might as well go to a strip bar if you enjoy this so much."

"We can do our own strip show here, you know."

"Not very Christmas-sy of us, innit", Brett had detached the pouch from the rope, struggling just a bit and yeah, maybe Eddy had to steady him with his hands on Brett's waist and if they were placed a bit too firmly and a tad too long there, they didn't mention it.

Brett opened the pouch and looked inside.

"A sticker."

He looked up at Eddy.

Who cackled out loud.

"You make this much fuss about a sticker?!"

"It's a very pretty sticker though."

"It's a picture of Santa Claus, with his butt out, saying 'Lick my ass'."

"You can put it in your car."

"My mother would get a heart attack."

"I'm sure you'll find a place", Eddy mumbled and then simply put the sticker out of Brett's hand and pulled the other to him, his hands landing around the smaller ones waist yet again.

"Happy first day of Christmas time to you too", Brett said laughing, just before Eddy dipped down for a kiss.

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