I would get fired for you

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Disclaimer: this is all based on fake events. Fake News. Fake News everywhere.

Also, fun fact: above screenshot is from my favourite TSV episode


„Mr. Yang, can you give any further detail to the expected regulations?"

"Not as of now, everything that has been decided is published and has been contributed with you."

"Mr. Yang, are you going to comment on yesterdays dinner of the President with so called 'close friends'?"

"I wouldn't dare to comment on anyone's dinner, especially not the Presidents."

A chuckle went through the entire room.

"Mr. Yang, will the President comment on the situation in Syria?"

"Syria is always one of our bigger concern. As far as I am aware there are no news to share with you today."

"But Mr. Yang, the President has just announced the withdrawal of our troops in North Syria."

He couldn't tell for sure, but he was pretty certain that he lost control of his facial impression for one tiny second. Which must have been the very first time since he started as the White House Press Secretary over two years ago.

He collected himself relatively quickly.

"Since the president is about to make a statement, he will address any concerns that have been raised today."

As if on cue, he got signalled that the President was ready for the statement he had announced earlier today.

Brett had stopped complaining about short notice statements and press conferences a long time ago. But he really wished they would at least tell him what the plan was, so he could react appropriately.

He stepped aside to make space for the President, who approached the desk full of confidence, straightening his tie one last time before presenting himself full frontal to the journalists.

Quietly, Brett hid behind the curtain next to the podium, along with his assistant and some of the advisors of the President. He watched very carefully what was happening.

As per usual, the president completely ignored the written statement his advisors had prepared, which was idly laying in front of him and went on with flamboyant hand gestures and the vocabulary of a ten year old.

"It's a great honour", he started, "to announce that we will withdraw our military from the North of Syria. This is a great thing. Beautiful. We have won against ISIS, against terrorism and we are now sending our boys back home."

Brett could only stare at him.

"Did he just...?", he murmured out loud.

"Left his own allies as a trophy for Turkey? Yeah."

Brett turned around in surprise to see who spoke and his eyes fell on Eddy Chen, one of the security details of the President. He was a relative new recruit, mainly stationed in house or for appointments within Washington or the region.

They had crossed path on the occasion but if Brett was being entirely honest, most of the bodyguards looked the same to him in their black suits. They were not meant to be noticed anyway.

"Don't say it too loud", Brett whispered with a smile, "people have been fired for less than that comment."

Chen only shrugged his shoulder.

"No one heard me but you. And you", he turned to Bretts assistant who immediately turned bright red.

"I didn't hear anything", Natalie whispered, which was a blatant lie, she had watched the exchange very carefully.

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