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His day was not only annoying, it was just taxing at this point. He loved being a teacher. Really. But there were days when he just wanted to smack all his students across the face. If he had to explain harmonic scales one more time to his tenth graders he would flip the shit. How were this tiny humans meant to be proper adults in two years' time if they couldn't even follow simple instructions now.

When the bell rang, both him and his class sighed in relief. Eddy left the room before his students even could move. Weaving his way through the busy hall during lunch break, he made his way out of the building and across campus to the primary school. It was even louder in here, instead of gossiping teenager voices, there was loud chattering and banging of bags and cutlery and plates. Arriving at the mess hall, Eddy let his gaze wander over the uniformed children and finally settled on his husband, who was sitting with another teacher and a group of children on the left side of the hall. He tried not to step on anything or anyone when he made his way over and grabbed a tiny stool from the side, placed it next to Brett and sat his too big bottom on the stool, his knees nearly up to his ears while he crouched down to the small table. Only now did the other notice him. Brett gave him a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi love."

Before he could say anything, Brett handed him his lunchbox with his favourite curry that he had forgotten in the morning.

"You're an angel."

Stuffing his face with the food, he only gave a nod to the other teacher on the table, who he had seen only once or twice before and just tried to not get hit too badly with any food that the smaller children just out of instinct seemed to throw everywhere but into their mouth. Apparently, Brett had to watch the first graders during lunch break today, the ones that were fresh out of their parents care or came from their spoiled kindergarten and didn't know how things were run around here. To be fair, Eddy would probably be confused about it as well, this part of the mess hall was made for the third grade and lower which meant it was an assembly of colourful and small furniture with a corner for playing and a whole array of teachers who were sensible and skilled to treat them with kindness and patience. What a contrast to Eddys grumpy high schoolers.

"Your day going alright?", Brett asked next to him. Even though there was a cacophony of noise around them, Bretts calm voice had not to be raised to be heard. A talent that he had always inherited and further developed since he became a music teacher in a primary school.

"Children are just stupid."

"Hey!", the girl sitting next to him squealed at him and gave him an angry look.

"Teenagers", Eddy clarified and the girl nodded understandingly.

"They are stupid", and went back to her own food.

Brett laughed next to him and soothingly run a hand over his back.

"They day is nearly over."

"Only for you, because your tiny humans go home early."

He knew he was being unreasonably grumpy but Brett only snickered at him.

"You'll survive."

"No, I won't", Eddy whined.

He did survive though. Sure, maybe he gave one or two students a too stern feedback on their singing but seriously, his ears couldn't take it anymore. Were all his students deaf? He couldn't wait to have the school orchestra rehearsal tomorrow, at least a culmination of people who actually liked music would be in the same vicinity.

With hurried feet, he yet again made his way outside of the school building, this time to get to his car as fast as possible, test papers to mark under his arm. If he was quick, he would beat the rush of students and parents who tried to get away as well. He succeeded and thanked all the gods for that. 20 minutes later, he was in front of his house and basically slammed his car door shut. And then cursed because he couldn't find his house keys. Upon entering the house, he dropped, literally dropped everything in the hallway, threw his shoes off, left his jacket on trop of a cupboard and followed the music to the living room like an enchanted child.

Brett was laying on his back on the couch, lounging as always, waiting for Eddy to come home. Only stopping his ungraceful fall in the last second to not actually crush his husband, Eddy carefully slumped down on top of Brett, just sneaking his body between Bretts open legs and resting his head directly on Bretts heartbeat. The most beautiful music to his ears. He left out a deep sigh. He was home.

"Well, hello to you too", Brett said quietly and put his phone on the coffee table and then proceeded to softly comb Eddys hair.

"This day sucked so hardcore", Eddy said muffled into Bretts hoodie.

"Surely, not all of it was bad."

"Yes. Yes, it was."

A laugh escaped Brett and Eddy loved the vibration that run through his partner, his own body absorbing all of it. It was quiet for a second.

"You wanna lay here all day?"


Eddy squashed his face further into Bretts chest, his eyes closed.

"This is my favourite place on earth."

"Between my legs?", questioningly Brett tugged a bit on Eddys hair and automatically squeezed his legs tighter around Eddys hips for a second.

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Right on top of you."

"So, you want to have sex?"

"No. Well, yes. But not now. Now I need to lay here and don't move."

"Ok", Brett answered lightly and continued to pet his hair and god, Eddy loved him for it. He was the most easy going person he'd ever met. Now Bretts other hand starting to run up and down his back and hell, yes, this was so good. Yes, ok, maybe their crotches were also aligned, which created a nice feeling as well but honestly, this was just so relaxing. This was home.

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