The most beautiful day

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a/n: multiple disclaimers this time:

1. This is entirely based and stolen off a movie I came across on tv recently. I don't want to spoiler the story, so I'll link the trailer at the end but please wait until after you read it. It's in german but has English subtitles. Hey, did you know that I am german? Hallöchen 😊

2. I'm fudging the line of legal and medical things a bit, so pl bear with me

3. This has a whopping 14k words, so uh...oopsie? maybe wait until you have a quiet minute or two if you want to read it in one go. Sorry, not sorry.

4. Warnings? I know we talk about warnings in the fandom, so, here is a mild warning, but you all know me, it won't stray too far from comfortable

Have fun!


"Today, I notice a slight tingle in the little and middle finger of the left hand and a strong tingle of the index finger on my right hand. Breathing is ok."

Eddy wiggled all his fingers in front of the camera. And then didn't know what else to say, so he just turned the recording off. With the footage he recorded about his health status yesterday, it would be enough for another video that he could upload. He was quite satisfied with himself. Who knows, maybe his 37th video would be the charm and his following would increase from 12 to 13 people. Or 14, if he dared to dream big. With a sigh, he closed his entire laptop after staring on his account details for long enough to feel depressed about it. More depressed than he already was, considering he was on the verge of dying and all. It was already late, so he tried to sleep but couldn't. He tossed and turned, at least as best as possible with the tube of the oxygen supply constantly getting in his way. With a frustrated grunt, he got up, disinfected his hands before touching anything else and dragged his oxygen stand with him outside of his room. Maybe a tea would do him good. There wasn't an actual kitchen on this floor of the hospice but there was a kitchenette with a fridge and a kettle and some chairs. What he did not expect was for anyone else to be there at this time of the night.

"You must be the new one in room 125", he exclaimed excited at the boy that had his back turned to him.

The boy with black hair turned around and Eddy could see a cute face framed by black glasses. To Eddys utmost shock, he was eating pizza from the fridge.

"That belongs to Frank", Eddys mouth nearly formed a perfect o-shape.

"Is that not the dude who died yesterday?", the other boy asked.

"Well yeah but..."

"Surely, he won't mind me eating his pizza. Considering he is down under and all."

"Technically, he is in a crematorium. And you still shouldn't eat it. Do you know how long it has been in there? Did Frank touch it? What if you get an infection?"

Eddy felt tingles everywhere now. He didn't wanted to touch anything in the kitchenette any longer and urged for some disinfect. The other guy just stared at him with a blank look.

"I'll take my chances, I guess."

And with that, he ate the last piece and threw the carton away. And then struck his hand out.

" 'am Brett", chewing on the last bits, he looked at Eddy expectantly, who only stared at his outstretched hand and could only do so much to stop himself from visibly recoiling.

"Suit yourself", Brett just shrugged his shoulders, "what are you dying off then?"

Eddy nearly lost the grip on his oxygen trolly. Was this Bretts idea of small talk?

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