Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

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Like, seriously. Don't blame me if you get nightmares.

(And take your smut expectations to go look somewhere else lol)


Seven Days

Maybe they should have escalated sooner. Done something wild and inappropriate. But that was kinda never their thing, so it would have felt weird to start now.

Sure, they did odd and stupid stuff but there was always a tasteful line and basic common sense they had moved within.

Brett wondered if he would regret not having experimented with drugs, jumped off bridges or saw every corner of the world.

But then, what did it matter now anyway?

The world was going to end in seven days and really, they'd be dead after that, so he shouldn't start regretting things now. It was too late.

"It's like a social experiment", Eddy mumbled next to him, watching how two very moderately well-dressed middle-aged parents handed over a needle to their ten year old daughter. Heroin presumably. Everyone was running high on that shit these days.

Right next to that scene was a group of teenagers who apparently built a cult, nearly naked all of them, with ripped down clothes, sitting in a circle and chanting. One guy was sitting in the middle, dick out and pupils as big as kitchen plates. Fake kitten ears plastered over his head.

Eddy wondered if dignity and humanity just died on the day the news were broadcasted.

The saddest thing today was the elderly couple that only sat a couple of trees away from them. Brett and Eddy had seen them earlier coming into the park, sitting down on a bench. They had looked at each other lovingly and looked at the view in front of them. It must have been one of their favourite spots in the city. They cut their wrists and died an hour ago.

Brett and Eddy sat in a corner of the park they had always loved to go to, watching the madness around them.

Social boundaries were non-existent anymore, law enforcement had given up a long time ago. And lost the majority of their employees. Like most businesses.

"Did you sister manage to get onto one of the planes?", Brett asked quietly, not daring to look at Eddys face, fearing what he would see.

"We don't know yet."

That was a nice way of saying no. There were only a couple of planes still going, most pilots and flight crews quitting their jobs to stay home with their loved ones. Or party until they drop dead. Or kill themselves before anyone else does.

Australias already holey telecommunication network was on its last stretches as well, so even in the city, reception and data services was sketchy at best. No maintenance service was offered, electricity shut off in areas where people were no longer working. Not many messages came through.

Belle had been in Perth when the news hit and didn't made an immediate effort to come over, not realising what was about to happen. By the time she did, it was near impossible to get on a plane.

Brett sipped on his orange juice, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face.

"Did you guys get through to Tapei?", Eddy asked in return.

"Nah, not a chance."

"Same", Eddy sighed.

Brett had no idea how his grandparents were doing, same as Eddy. Every time they were able to get a call through to Tapei they talked as much as possible, saying everything that needed to be said, in case it would never happen again.

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