Happy Days - The one that got away Part 3

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A/N: Yers all don't know how bored I currently am. So here we go. Snippets of Lynn x Breddy fluff.


„I can't do this."

„Do what?", Eddy asked absentmindedly while starring at the TV, not paying full attention to Brett who just entered the living room.


At that, Eddy turned around surprised, amusement already written on his face.

"You've fared fairly well the last 13 years. You can do the last stretch, I believe in you."

"I don't", he grumbled and slumped down on the couch next to Eddy.

"You have to come and help me."

"Help you with what?"

"Lynn just got her period."

At that, all Eddy could do was stare at Brett with open mouth.

"What on earth do you want me to do about it?!"

"Just drive to the store with me!", Brett pleaded with big eyes, grabbing onto Eddys sleeve, slightly tugging. Eddy could imagine a trillion different scenarios that he would rather do than driving to a store to consult Lynn on the female productive system and how to deal with the monthly unpleasantries.

But then Brett got his secret weapon out.

"Don't do it for me, do it for Lynn."

And with that, the trio drove to their local supermarket, something big and very anonymous. And then they stood in the aisle for female hygiene.

"You're right, we can't do this. Is it to late to give her up for adoption?", Eddy asked quietly so Lynn wouldn't hear him. Brett snickered lightly next to him. Lynn was jumping in front of them, looking at all the different products. Why...why were there so many different sizes and shapes and brands?

"Baba, how do we know what I need?", she asked turning around and Eddy could do nothing but admire the confidence of his partner when Brett simply came closer to his daughter and said assuringly, "We'll figure it out."

Now both of them were staring at the different products together. It was definitely a picture, he never expected to see. Lynn was tall, so tall now, standing nearly at the same height as Brett next to him, his hand on her neck while they were quietly talking. All them thousands of female products in front of them in all shapes and shades of pastel. When he saw a (female) store assistant out of the corner of his eyes, Eddy turned around quickly.

"Sorry", he approached her, "but we really need your help. Please."

And in the end, they managed. The store assistant took pity on them and explained patiently things to Lynn that neither Brett not Eddy were even aware off and they left with a whole array of items. They ended the evening by going out for dinner. Lynn starting her teenage years and first steps into womanhood felt like something that should be celebrated. During dinner, Eddy caught Brett starring at his daughter multiple times, occasionally a sad smile around his mouth.

When Lynn excused herself to the bathroom, Eddy leaned over to press a kiss to Bretts temple and lightly massage his neck with his hand.

"She's still little. Don't worry, you old, mushy grandpa."

"Already so big though", Brett said, but with a big smile, directed at Eddy, which he could only return.


He was wrong. Puberty sucked.

"You said, you wanted a dog. You said, you would take care of it at all times, always feeding it, always going for walks with him."

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