Ich will keine Schokolade, ich will lieber einen Mann!

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"They say through thick and thin, through good and bad!"

"We're not fucking married!"

"Well, we might as well be because there is no way I will let you get out of this!"

"I never fucking asked for this!"

"You promised!"

"I am never ever promising you anything ever fucking again, jesus fucking christ!"

"If you have this much breath left for cursing, it can't be that bad."

Maybe it was over the top but Brett used the ten second break to throw his towel at Eddy's face. The other didn't even react, trying to regain as much strength as possible in that break.

"And we're going to do some more up and downwards planks", Choe Ting's chirpy voice came from Eddy's tv.

"I fucking hate her", Brett grumbled and got back into plank position.

"The amount of complaining you do and it's only day one.."

Brett took the liberty to take off one of his shoes to throw it at Eddy.


"See, this is where I draw the line."

"It's about your health."

"I thought this was about you wanting to be "shredded" for summer holiday."

"It's for both of our sakes."

"I don't care about being shredded."

"That's because you lucked out on the genetic pool. You can eat whatever and still don't gain a peanut worth of weight."

"Then why do I have to eat this shit?"

Accusingly, Brett raised his bowl of porridge filled with way too much healthy stuff for this early in the morning.

"Because you promised to do this with me!"

"I do not remember to agreeing you barging in here at fucking 8am to make me some breakfast."

"And isn't it nice of me that I'll make you breakfast?"

"Make me eggs and toast?"

"No bread for the next two weeks."

Brett lost his grasp on the spoon, which splashed into the porridge bowl, messing up the geometric fruit arrangement Eddy had so carefully created.

"No bread?", Brett asked flabbergasted. He couldn't even be angry. He simply couldn't understand.

"This is our diet."

"You say "our" as if it's something that is just for us, like a flat or a baby."

"What kind of comparison is that?"

"I don't know, I can't think, you're feeding me healthy food at 8am on a Saturday what do you expect me to do?"

"My god, you're one cranky baby", Eddy groaned, turning around to prepare his own bowl of porridge while listening to the murmured sound of Brett reading through their dietary plan for the next two weeks. The words "that's so much salad" and "how much oats does one person need" over to "where is the goddman chocolate" and "and potatoes? Where are the potatoes?!"

At the end of the day, Eddy knew that Brett would do this with him though. Because he promised. And Brett never broke a promise.


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