all boys sick- part 2

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as the day progressed, all the boys proceeded to get worse. 

yes they had Myta and Keri with them but that only kept it under control. that didn't mean they were getting better.

Zach couldn't keep anything down. he would just throw it up fifteen minutes later.
Corbyn developed a migraine like Daniel. that plus the stomach flu don't mix well.
jacks fever went up again. it was alarming everyone when he couldn't stay awake longer than 20 minutes. plus the hallucinations aren't doing anyone any good.
Daniels migraine is now making him get sick; not too often but there were a few times.
Jonah has a headache, plugged nose, and sore throat. all the mucus was traveling to his stomach and making him feel slightly ill.

they are just one big mess.

and the moms are doing their best.


mytas pov

"Myta?!! i need some help in here!!" Keri called from the bathroom. 

i was in the middle of helping Corbyn as he threw up his stomach into a bucket.

"Corbyn. will you be ok-"

"ill be okay. it sounded urgent." he spat in the bucket,

"I'm sorry Corbyn.." i said before running off to Keri. i remember her going to the bathroom to give jack another cold bath when his temp got high again. i didn't expect to see jack lying on the bathroom floor, unconscious.

"what the hell happened?" i knelt next to jack.

"i was just about to get him into the bath but he said he was getting dizzy. i was going to help him sit down but he passed out. i guess he was standing too long." i nodded sadly. i placed my hand on his forehead and quickly drew back.

"get his temperature and I'm going to get ice packs." i ran downstairs into the kitchen. Jonah was there leaning shakily against the counter with some water.

"why are you up Jonah?" i asked as i grabbed a plastic baggy.

"i needed some water but i got dizzy and nauseous." he sounded congested.

"will you be okay? i need to get back to jack."

"yea. I'm okay. is jack good though?"

"his temp rose again. he kind of passed out in the bathroom."

"what?!" he exclaimed, trying to walk passed me upstairs.

"he's going to be ok. now, unless you magically don't feel sick anymore and don't have a fever, you need to go back into that Livingroom and lay down." i turned around and walked up the stairs. i know i don't get angry much but it needed to be said.

"here. place these on his forehead, inner arms, and inner legs." i said as i walked into the bathroom and handed Keri the ice bags.

"goddammit jack, you were always one to cause trouble." i began to lift jacks legs onto my shoulder, hoping to bring more blood flow back into his head. 

me and Keri and small conversation waiting for jack to wake up.

it didn't take too long, maybe 5-10 minutes before he was somewhat becoming responsive.

"hey jack, open your eyes. open your eyes for me." he groggily looked up to us.

"wha-" he said confused.

"you passed out jack. just relax for now." i smiled.

"i feel awful.." he breathed out.

"i know, your gonna get another cold bath and then your gonna lay back down on the couch." he nodded. "you think your okay to move?" he nodded again. 

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