J.A- hearing loss.

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no pov

forth of July.

everyone was having fun. watching the fireworks go off, shooting ones of their own. it was just fun.

no one thought something was going to go wrong.


jacks pov

i was with mine and Zach's family, lighting fireworks together. me and Zach were mostly just sitting on a blanket, cuddled up together while everyone was having fun. our families always got along so to see them all together acting like they are true families is amazing.

"jack!! Zach!! come light some fireworks. you two are being lame!!" Sydney yelled out to us.

we both shrugged and walked up to her. she gave us both a lighter and a firework. i looked at mine and back up at Zach. i ran out into the street and lit it up. running away as it started up.

i held onto Zach's hand as it lit up the road. the loud pops were enough to make me jump. yes they were beautiful but they did give me a bit of a fright.

we kept going on with more and more fireworks.

i got brave with one of the fireworks. instead of placing it down onto the floor, i thought it would be a good idea to hold it in my hand.

what i didn't realize was this firework was going to be a dud. it didn't just not go out, no it blew up out of both ends.

it burned my hand in the process and made my ear ring.

i dropped it on the floor and brought my hand to my ear.

"jack!!" i heard someone yell over the ringing. i looked up and saw Zach come over with concern written on his face. "you okay?"

"huh??" i barely heard what he had said to me.

"are you okay??" he broke down the sentence.

"i-i dont k-know..." i panicked. he put a hand on my back and lead me inside; his mom following behind us.

"what hurts jack??" Myta asked me gently.

"ear and hand..." i whimpered out. she took my hand carefully and took a look.

"hun, you got a bad burn. lets get that cleaned, okay?"

"what?" everything she said was really muffled and i couldn't hear over the ringing.

"lets get your hand clean." she said, her voice more clear now. i nodded and followed her to the bathroom. she sat me on the toilet and got her first aid kit out.

"does anything else hurt, sweetie?"

"i cant really hear out of my left ear well and my right one is ringing really bad."

"I'm sorry darling. we will see if it comes back tomorrow, okay?" i nodded and let her get to work on my hand. by this point it was stinging and starting to blister already. she let it sit under cold water for a few minutes, cleaned it off and wrapped it in a gauze. "just be careful with your hand for now." i nodded again and went back outside, sitting next to Zach on our blanket.

"you okay baby??" he asked wrapping an arm around my body.

"yea I'm good..." i said passed the ringing of my ears.

"love you." he practically whispered. i read his lips though so i mostly understood it.

"love you too." i said not to worry him. he leaned in and pecked my lips before letting me cuddle back into his side. i stayed that way the rest of he night. my hearing didn't get better, the ringing stopped but everything sounded underwater or far away.

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