D.S- no one believes him (besides Zach)

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maybe some zaniel...

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yes, we all have those days where we just want to sit around and not do a single thing but we cant cause our day is packed. Daniel tried to skip a day before by faking sick, he did it but at the end of the day he got caught. but when he really gets sick the boys will just assume he's trying to get out of the days plans. that's what happened today.

daniels pov

this morning, well early morning. itr was 4:13 am, i woke up in a sweat. but i hadn't known why. i sat up and wiped my forehead, which had been drenched in sweat almost as if i had just gone into the pool. then all my senses flooded together and i became aware of what today was going to be like.

my head felt like it was being pounded with a mallet, my stomach felt like it was in the death roll of a alligator, my muscles ached all over, i was nauseous and dizzy. today was going to be crap. i hopped out of my bunk trying to be as quiet as possible and walked into the kitchen to have a little water, thinking i was just dehydrated or something. i poured myself a small glass, sat down on the couch, and slowly sipped on it. i was barely 5 small sips in when i could feel it rising back up. i stood up quickly and tip-toe ran to the small bathroom. i lowered myself in front of the toilet as i started to gag over and over again. one more gag and i brought up the small amount of water that i had drank. but it didn't stop there, no my body didn't want to stop. i was heaving over and over again into the bowl, adding my stomach contents to the once clear water. i was knelt in front of that toilet for over fifteen minutes emptying my stomach until i was dry heaving. once i got my breath i cleaned myself up and headed back into front lounge. i laid down on the couch hoping by the time i wake up ill be better. we had a off day tomorrow but we were planning on being 'tourists' for the day as we were in Sydney, Australia. i closed my eyes and focused on my breathing until i was fast asleep.


zachs pov

i don't know how it was possible but when i woke up, i looked outside the bunk to see that everyone was still asleep. well almost everyone. Daniels bunk was open so he must be up. i hop down from my bunk and stamper my way into the front lounge to find Daniel asleep on the one couch. i don't know why he thought it would sleep out here. i sat on the floor in front of him and started to shake his shoulder. he stirred and turned away from me falling back to sleep.

"Daniel wake up." i said shaking his arm once more. he finally turned over and looked at me. his usual bright ocean blue eyes have now became a dull grey color and are filled with pain. "what's wrong dani?" he curled in on himself and whimpered.

"i really don't feel good..." he sounded like he was about to cry. if you know Daniel well, he almost never cries, never. 

"what doesn't feel good dani?" i brushed the hair out of his face and felt that he was warm. not to warm but it was getting there.

"tummy, head, and throat..." he always sounds like a child when he was sick, and it was kind of cute to be honest.

"aww, dani... I'm going to get Jonah real quick ok? hang tight buddy" he gave a little nod before i walked of to grab the eldest member of the band. i slowly pulled back his curtain and gently shook his arm. he groaned and rolled over, facing me.

"what do you want zach?!" oh, shit. he's grumpy. grumpy Jonah is not a fun jonah to deal with.

"uh um Daniel doesn't feel good..." i was scared he would lash out at me and yell. i wish i had gone to Corbyn instead.

"that's really what you woke me up for Zach? he twenty damn years old, he can take care of himself! i bet you he isn't even sick, he's faked it so many times, he is probably faking again as always. now go and leave me alone." he grabbed his curtain and quickly tugged it closed, leaving me stood in shock. i walked back over to Daniel who was still curled up in a tight ball on the couch. i lifted his head and sat down with his head on my lap. i ran my fingers through his hair to attempt to sooth his headache cause that always worked when i had one.

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