J.A- stomach flu.

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i had another request for jack but I'm not in a good mindset to be writing about i at the moment so I'm gonna write this shorter story for y'all. So i can get some content out to you. And writing helps get my mind off things so it will be beneficial for me.


Jack knew something was up right before he went to bed. He could tell something was up but didnt think much of it; only choosing to believe he was tired.

But that next morning proved him to be 100% wrong.


Jacks POV

I woke up randomly in the middle of the night, in the darkness of my bunk. I sat up and stretched, trying to figure out why i woke up at... 2:47am.

I swallowed only to realize the thickness of my tongue.

And that's when everything started to fall into place.

My throat was dry and my tongue felt too big for my mouth.
My head felt like it was getting punched over and over again with each pump of blood.
My muscles ached like i had ran a mile and did a extreme workout without stretching at all.
I shivered even with the sweat dripping through my shirt.
And the worst of it all.

My stomach was doing major somersaults whilst also twisting itself inside out and upside down.

I quietly groaned to myself as i pushed myself out of my bed and into the living room part of the bus. I got myself a glass of water and sat down on the couch.

I tried to take sips from the glass every no and then, but it became close to impossible after the first sips.

I gave up on the water and set it aside but realized it was the least of my problems. The pain in my stomach grew stronger and began to rise in my chest. I was hit with a strong wave of nausea that had me running towards the tiny bathroom with a hand over my mouth.

I knelt in front of the toilet, not even bothering to close the door before i started to gag. I tried to be quiet so I wouldn't wake the other boys. But i also secretly hoped that one of the would wake up to help me through this round of sickness.

My wishes didnt come true though.

I was left on my own, heaving up my dinner from the night before.
I was left on my own, grieving with stomach pains for days.
I was left on my own, crying from the force of my heaves.

When i did finish, i wiped away my tears and the left over vomit on my chin. I spit and flushed away any trace of my stomach contents. I sat, leaning against the sink, for a few minutes, trying to get my bearings back before i went back to bed.

When i did make it back to my bunk, i climbed in and passed out right then and there. Not even staying awake long enough to close my curtain.


Daniels POV

I woke up to a call from Jon and lets just say it wasn't the most pleasant call.

He started going on a rant towards the boys and i about how we missed an interview that morning even though the day before he specifically told us that we didnt have anything to do until noon. Then he went on to say, he sent out a text that we had to be up by 7 for that interview which none of us woke up to and how we are all irresponsible.

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