D.S- shot.

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daniel had always been the one who was down to earth and just very likeable. he always was trying to make piece with everyone; good or bad. he never meant any trouble to anyone. he doesn't get angry easily; even when he does, he doesnt lash out unless its bad.

today was bad...


"why are you being such a dick?!" corbyn yelled through the house. you see, Corbyn and daniel are in a heated argument over the a pretty stupid reason.

"because you can never just spend ONE FUCKING DAY with YOUR boyfriend??!! your either always in your room 'busy' or out doing hell knows what!!" daniel yelled back. 

"excuse me?! every time I'm in my room is either because I'm in a bad and dont want to hurt you or working on a song!! i got out a lot to get stuff that allows us TO LIVE!!!" corbyns snarled back.

"i get the attitude thing but why dont you want my help when going shopping or working on a song??! ya know were in this together!!" daniel snapped. he was over this fighting.

"you would never understand with the song, that's my time to let my feelings out. when i am in the mood to write with you, I WILL ASK YOU!!! and every time i ask you to go shopping with me, YOU ALWAYS SAY NO!! YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THIS RIGHT NOW!!"

"im going for a walk. dont try to follow me." daniel said slipping on his vans and jacket before opening the door

"your just going for a walk cause you dont have a better comeback asshole!!!" corbyn yelled out right as daniel shut the door behind him. he walked down the path to their driveway and slowly let all his emotions out; sadness, annoyance, anger, numbness. he started crying harshly and once out of sight of the house, he collasped into a ball of tears. 

he knew he fucked up. it wasnt their first fight, but it was the first that went bad. daniel always stayed calm while corbyn was the one to raise his voice but he dont know what got to him today. he had a eery feeling deep down in his core telling him it was the right thing to do even though it made him feel incredibly sorry for corbyn and most of all, annoyed at himself. 

"FUCK ME!!!" daniel yelled out in defeat. he never meant to let this fight get out of hand. he just wanted some time with corbyn.

after a few long minutes daniel collected himself and strode off in a random direction. yes, he collected himself, but he was still crying. he just calmed himself down so he wasnt sobbing and screaming looking like a pyscho. 

he wanted to apologize but he knew corbyn would probably just kick him back out or yell at him for being a pansy and not being able to deal with problems he caused by himself. but it was true, daniel was always one to go to someone for help. if he didn't he would get himself in a lot more trouble with his mind. hes not the best at making choices, he goes to someone else to get their advice.

hes scared. he has thoughts rolling around that are making him think badly about himself and his relationship. hes afraid that the fight is going to be the reason him and corbyn break up. hes afraid what the other boys are going to think of his explosion. hes afraid its not going to go back to how it was; happy.

he wanted everything to be happy. he never liked fighting, but it was inevitable apparently. he was bullying himself down cause it was in fact his fault. he knew it corbyn knew it.

he doesnt know how it happened but he ended up at the park him and corbyn used to go to all the when they were able to hang out together. it was a small park; a swingset, a walk path, and a large tree easy for climbing. it was daniel and corbyns tree. they would always bring a blanket and picnic food into it and just relax. they knew it was cheesy, but they carved their initials into the tree.

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