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It was the middle of the bands hiatus and they were relaxing more now. They were still making music because its their job and the thing they love doing the most but there are days you just need to wind down and step away from the equipment for the day.

Jonah and corbyn decided for a nice little vacation, they would go on a little boat trip. Nothing to big, just a two or three on the water to spend a day together and have the nice pretty views. It was a small cruise ship with about 10 other couples riding along.

Yea, couples. Corbyn and Jonah have been together for about 1.5 years. Everyone they told thinks that they are perfect together.

It was meant to be.

But maybe this boat trip wasn't meant to be...


Corbyns POV

We had just departed from the dock and were on our way to our next destination.

Me and Jonah were on the top deck, cuddling on a random couch in a lounge. I was trying to get a conversation going but he was pretty out of it. He was quiet and a bit pale if I'm being honest.

"Did you sleep last night babe?" I asked him out of no where. He looked up at me with a blank face.

"Yea, why do you think that?"

"Your really quiet. If your tired we can go take a nap. We have a few days here." I told him.

He shook his head, "I'm fine, i like being here with you..."

"Your hiding something from me. But i wont force you to say anything cause I don't want to fight so how about we go get some lunch?" I tried to lighten the mood. He nodded but i didnt miss his Adam's apple bob when he swallowed.

I stood up and brought him up with me and we walked out to the dining hall.

I got a sandwich, something small. Jonah had only got a bowl of fruit. There was something going on with him but I couldn't figure it out. He usuallywould've gotten something more filling than fruit. I knew he wasn't up to talking about it right now though, so again, i let it slide.

I ate pretty quickly and by the time i looked up, Jonah had only gotten halfway through his fruit. He was starting to really worry me. He was just moving it all around in the bowl and taking a small bite every few minutes. I reached out and laid my hand over top of his and sighed.

"Baby, what's going on?" I starting rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. "Are you not hungry or...?"

"Or." He simply said. I sighed again and dropped my head.

"You should've said you weren't feeling good, baby. What doesn't feel good??" I took his other hand in mine as well.

"I think I'm just feeling a bit seasick." He looked up with a sad smile; trying to lighten the mood but his face fell back to a painful frown afterwards.

"Oh i didnt even think about that... I'm guessing you don't want anymore food?" I motioned towards his unfinished fruit bowl. He shook his head and leaned his head on his hand. "Let me throw all this out and we can go just rest for the day. I can go find some seasickness medication from like the health office thingy, maybe you can try those..?" He nodded. I grabbed our garbage and threw it in a nearby trash bin and went back to Jonah. I helped him up and started our way back to our room. He was leaning into my side as i had my arm slung around his waist.

"I'm sorry your not feeling good." I massaged his hip as we walked. He only shrugged. "Do you think you need to be sick?"

He just shook his head. "Not right now at least." He mumbled.

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