C.B- type 1 diabetes

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***this is another story by @Zaasie . it is not my writing***

Corbyn's P.O.V.

Ever since I turned ten, I've had this illness called Diabetes Type 1. I had a lot of trouble dealing with it. It impacted everything in my life. Even if I took good care of it, it could still influence everything I did. Even if I did nothing as simply sitting on a stool.

I know there are a lot of others out there with Diabetes, for example Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers, but I haven't found the courage to tell anyone in the band or management yet. It makes me feel weak for some reason. Like I can't handle everything we do with our band.

It's getting more difficult to hide by the day, but I do everything in my power not to let them find out. They'll treat me differently, no matter how many times they'll promise me they won't. They will.

When I was around eleven years old, people living in the neighborhood and kids at school slowly found out that I have Diabetes. They used to ask me these questions and I was really open about everything.

They asked me what it did with me and why it happened? I was eleven and even though I had it, I couldn't answer everything, but my teacher helped me answer all the kids' questions.

They once asked me how I could prod myself with needles every time again if I ever had to test or had to get insulin. When I had the disease for a year, my parents and doctor allowed me to test myself, but if I ever needed insulin, they wanted a trusted adult to administer it.

I answered that it wasn't a choice. I had to do it and let it happen if I wanted to live. There's a slim chance of dying if you don't take care of yourself. I've never been near death before, but I was close to a comatose state if my parents hadn't taken me to the hospital. I had lost a lot of weight and I had been drinking water endlessly. The nightstand next to my bed had three filled bottled waters when I went to bed and they'd all be empty in the morning.

It wasn't good and I knew that, but I was too scared to ask for help. I saw the number on the scale go down by the week and even though I was ten years old, I knew it couldn't have been good.

Lately I've got a sensor on the back of my arm. I only have to swipe my phone against it to figure out what my levels are. It made everything quite easier, but it can't stay on for longer then two weeks. It's not useful when we're on tour. I can't go out every time to get a new one placed when no one knows about it.

I go back to testing and administering insulin myself when we're on tour. Against my parents' wills, I don't even use my pump when we're on tour, because the guys will obviously see the pump.

My parents don't agree with my decision that no one knows. They know the boys and management will cut me more slack at times if they know I'm struggling, but I don't want them to know. I can do whatever they want me to do. If they want me to practice longer, I will. If they want me to repeat my lines, I will. If they want me to take a rest, I will.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not their puppet. I don't want them to baby me and let me rest. I can't let the others take over my parts as well. They've already got enough to do as it is.

I'm a grown boy. I can handle myself.

"Corbs? You ready?" We're going to a restaurant, because Jon is taking us there to celebrate finishing up the newest music video for our single Chills.

"Corbs?" Jonah asks me. I look up at him. "You good? You spaced out on me?" I shake my head to regain full control of my body and focus on Jonah. "Yeah, I'm cool. I'm gonna go get my shoes." I point towards upstairs. I'm not actually going up there to get my shoes. My shoes are under the coat rack, but I 'forgot' they were there. I'm going to go ahead and give myself some insulin before dinner.

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