Z.H- lactose intolerance

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no pov

the boys were all unique, everybody knows that. they all have their good differences and it makes them who they are.

most of their differences were on the outside and visible or something that they have told people.

the only people who know a difference about Zach is his parents and siblings.

he's lactose intolerant.

he doesn't want the boys pity when he gets sick from dairy cause of his own mistake or to remind him to not eat something cause it has dairy in it. he's old enough to know how to look after himself properly.

he has kept it hidden pretty well from the other boys.

that's how he wants it.

but not how it ends.


Zach's pov

me and the boys were planning on going out for dinner at this Italian restaurant in the city. it was just a treat we wanted to give to ourselves; nothing special.

i dressed up semi formal, since it was a pretty nice restaurant. black jeans with a button down shirt and checkered vans.

they other boys were dressed nice.

we drove to the restaurant and got seated pretty quickly. i was seated in between Daniel and Corbyn, with jack and Jonah on the opposite side of the table.

 the menu was filled with food that had dairy in it so i was trying to be cautious. it was either eat something i knew i would like but have a horrible night or eat something i don't like and be fine.

i through myself on a limb and got a random meal; something that i knew i would like.

we talked up until we were served our food. i hesitated slightly before spooning some into my mouth. it tasted amazing so i kept eating, taking small breaks to engage myself into the conversation.

i was just barely halfway through my meal when i felt it.

my stomach turned.

i mentally swore and slowed down on my bites. i just about managed a little less than three-quarters of my meal before i had to push the plate away. i rested my head on my hand and held my stomach as inconspicuously as i could under the table.

"Zach you okay?" Corbyn asked from next to me. i looked up to me and nodded.

"yea, just tired." i lied. i knew i messed up myself but i couldn't do anything about it. the other boys were still eating and talking away while i turned to my phone for entertainment.

i stifled a few burps into the back of my hand and groaned quietly as cramps rolled through my stomach.

"you guys almost done?" i asked quietly.

"ya were just waiting on jack. slowest eater in the world." Daniel leaned back in his seat with a laugh.

"you guys were talking to me to much for me to eat quick. its not my fault, its yours." he grumbled.

"i wanna go home." i leaned into Corbyn's side with a whimper.

"you okay bub?" he asked quietly, rubbing my arm.

"yea, I'm tired and I'm not feeling the best right now..." i told only Corbyn.

"okay, jack either eat quick or leave the rest of the food. we got to get home soon. Zach's not feeling good." Corbyn said already calling a waiter over.

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