J.A- celiac disease

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the boys knew about jacks condition. he couldnt really hide it if he tried.

they bought food together. they had to get gluten free foods for him. you cant really hide that.

the reactions he had to some food. the emergency room visits. you cant hide that.

he was okay with being this way, but it did get hard sometimes. he wont be 'normal' liek the other boys. that will always pop into his head every once in a while and make him upset but he gets passed it fast. always knowing that the boys are there for him and there is no 'normal' in there books. they are all normal together.

jacks pov

i woke up that morning with zach curled against my chest. i smiled and ran my fingers through his hair gently. it was a gentle gesture. i kissed his forehead and continued for a few minutes before it woke him up.

today was a special day. me and zach had officially been together for 6 months, exact. today was their anniversary. it was also christmas eve but thats just part of the story.

they got together today after being caught together under the mistletoe together. ryan and ava had pushed them both under it. they both knew that the two had a crush on eachother, it was completely obvious. they didnt hide it well. when the two saw what happened they said 'fuck it' and kissed. in front of both their families. after that kiss and later that night, everything fell into place; just how they both wanted.

zach opened his eyes and smiled, with a stretch.

"good morning baby." he stretched. i leant down and kissed his lips.

"happy one year love." i kissed him again.

"are you ready for what we have planned?" zach asked in the middle of the kiss. i hummed back in response.

they were going to spend most of the day watching movies together but later on in the afternoon, they had a made a reservation for a fancy restaurant. perfect way to end the night.

we stayed in bed and cuddled until it was around noon, just talked for the longest time about the stupides things.

when we did get out of bed, we took a nice long shower together, taking in every moment.

we didnt even bother getting dressed after the shower. we just climbed straight into bed, curling under the blankets. we had a list of movies to watch before we had to leave for dinner.

we ended on the christmas chronicles, Elf (even if it can get annoying around this time of the year.) and home alone. when one movie would finish, we would instantly put on another.

no pov

by the time they all finished, they thought they should start getting ready for dinner.

they parted ways and went to their own rooms to get dressed in better attire than being nude.

zach chose this white button down shirt with some black jeans. he paired it with some nice black leather boots. he added a chain and a black suit jacket, just to pull it all together.

meanwhile in jacks room, he decided on this black turtle neck with black jeans. he brought his look together with some nic leather dress shoes, a chain and a flat brimmed fedora. he looked sexy if i do say so myself.

they finished up and met each other in the hallway, stopping when they saw each other.

"you look-... absolutely amazing." zach said with nothing else to say. he grabbed jacks waist and looked over him again. jack slung his arms around zachs neck and brought him into a passionate kiss.

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