D.S- airsick.

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the boys had to get on a plane to Europe so they could start up their European leg of the 8 letters tour. it was going to be a pretty long flight too. about 10 hours up in the air.

they have one problem.

when Daniel goes on planes, he gets pretty bad airsickness. like gets sick, has a migraine, the whole nine yards.

if it weren't for his boyfriend, Jonah, he would never make it through any flight.

daniels pov

So I'm kind of scared. The boys and I were flying over to the UK for our Europe leg of tour and I'm pretty scared. Not because we have to fly over but because I get very airsick. Like I don't just throw up once and a while, it's constantly. And our 10 hours in the air is going to be absolute hell for me, I just know it.

It was the morning of the plane ride and I felt Jonah roll over after his alarm went off. He sat up and gently shook my shoulder to wake me up, but little did he know i was up all night cause of stupid thoughts about the plane ride. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them before sitting up and curling into Jonah's side.

"Your extra cuddly today, baby. You alright?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rubbed up and down my arms. I shrugged my shoulder not knowing how to answer.

"Didn't get a lot of sleep..." I say into his chest.

"And what would the reason be? Let me guess, you were thinking about the plane ride?" I sighed and nodded. "Bubba we can see if the new airsickness meds work. And remember, I will be by your side the entire time. I won't ever leave you hanging, you know that baby." He said and I nodded again.

"I just really hate being sick. Like what did I do to deserve it?"

"I don't know. But before you know it we will be in Europe." He said kissing my hair.

"We should get ready." I said pulling away from his embrace. He nodded and we both got out of the bed. It was still dark out as we had to catch an early flight. It was currently 3:15am but our flight doesn't take off until 5:45. We have time but still not a lot. I through one sweats and a hoodie before packing up my carry on bag. I shoved my laptop, headphones, chargers, airsickness meds (it wouldn't hurt trying them out even though they will probably come back up), an extra shirt hoodie and sweats, and the tiny giraffe Jonah had gotten me as a joke before we started dating but when we did get together I brought him everywhere we went on tour. Yes, him. His name is zebra. Don't judge him.

I grab all my bags and my neck travel pillow and made my way downstairs. I found Corbyn and jack already down there eating breakfast but Zach and Jonah were still no where to be seen.

"Where's Zach?" I say sitting down at our breakfast bar.

"Woke up late. Just started getting ready like 5 mins ago." Corbyn said in the middle of eating a bagel.

"Oh. That kid is something." I said.

"He better be quick, we don't wanna be late." Corbyn said. I stayed quiet and fiddled with my hands not wanting to get on the plane. Jonah walked down the stairs with his luggage. He set everything by the door and cane over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and setting his head on top of mine. I gently hung onto his arms and cuddled into him slightly.

"Are you gonna eat baby?" Jonah asks. I shook my head hoping that if I didn't have anything in my system I won't get sick. "You should probably eat. Not eating isn't good for you baby." I sigh knowing he is right. I've done it before and I ended up passing out.

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