D.S - stomach bug + homesick

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The song above will come later in the story :))

daniels pov

tour is stressful enough without anything in our way but the second you add one problem to the mix of things its like your being welcomed through the gates of hell, and i wish that wasn't a exaggeration. whats even worse is getting sick on tour. especially for me cause im always very dependent on my family but being away from them for so long takes a toll on me. when i get sick my emotions build up more than usual and i get pretty homesick. i would cry for hours and make myself feel even worse than i already do. the boys always know when i start to get sick when i get queit and say i want my parents or something.

yes, i know im 20 now but that  wont stop me from wanting to be with my parents.

im surprised they haven't caught on yet. ive been feeling a bit off all day. my stomach has a slight ache to it and i just feel weak. im surprised Jonah hasn't caught on yet either. i mean hes my boyfriend and i have spent this day off cuddled into his side watching Netflix. but right before i was going to come to the conclusion that he wont find out, a stronger pain struck through my stomach  making me curl into myself with a whimper. he looked over to me with concern glazed over his eyes. he quickly paused 'love, simon' which we were watching, and turn

"you alright dani?" he asked as his hand found its way to my back. i shrugged with a frown. "whats wrong baby? you can tell me."

"my tummy hurts..." i said as i leant farther into Jonah's side. he wrapped his arm around me and rubbed his hand up and down my arm. his hand found its way up to my forehead, where when he pulled away, he had a sad frown plastered onto his face.

"you feel a bit warm.. can i go grab the thermometer and some other things baby? ill be quick i promise." he said. i just nodded and sat up in the bed, letting him run off. i curled in on myself as another pain shot through my stomach. a slight wave of nausea started to creep up on me. now that i think about it, i should've asked Jonah to  grab a bucket while he was up. I'm probably going to be needed it at some point.

Jonah walked back in with a frown setting medicine, a water, the thermometer, and thank the lord, a bucket down on the nightstand.

"i brought this just in case bubba. can i take your temperature now baby?" i nodded. he grabbed the device and placed it into my ear. it beeped so he took it out of my ear before peering at it. his frown deepened before peering back at me and sighing. he pushed  my hair off my now sweaty forehead and leant in to place a gentle peck onto my forehead.

"what d-did it say?" i say.

"101.9, its getting up there. want to go take a cool shower with me to get your temp down?" i looked up at him and shrugged. "it might make you feel better baby." to that i slowly sat up and held out grabby hands. he smirked and picked me up taking into the bathroom. the movement started to stir up my stomach and added even more nausea than before. he sat me down on the toilet but i got off and sat on the floor just beside it and opened the lid. Jonah took the memo and got down next to me and started to rub my back and whisper sweet calming phrases into my ear.

"you alright baby?" he said. i shrugged as tears threatened to break out of my eyes. "aw baby its ok... come here baby." he opened his arms and i fell into them and let the tears fall. "shh its ok baby. if you keep crying your just going to make yourself even more sick." i tried to calm down but my emotions were out of whack so i might as well just throw up now. my sobs got harder and i started to cough. Jonah took that as his que to face me in front of the bowl. quickly the coughing turned into gagging which turned into heaving. i felt Jonah's large hand on my back the whole time. i was about to let out another sob when my stomach pushed up and out of my throat and into the bowl. it wouldn't end no matter how hard i willed myself to be down.

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