C.B- car accident

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There isn't going to be that perfect friendship or relationship. There will always be fights and dissagrements no matter what. We all know that.

But we will never know what will happen after the fact of the fights. Do they make up or drift apart?


Corbyns POV

"Why can't you guys just calm down?? I didnt mean it!!" I asked almost in tears.

"Because its not right. You can't just get away with leaking our next two songs weeks before they come out!!!" Daniel yelled back.

"Dude I DIDNT MEAN IT!!! I was trying to post a pic on twitter and accidentally clicked on the voice note without knowing it okay?!! Why can't you believe me??!" I cried.

"Your just trying to ruin shit for us aren't you?? You did it on purpose your fucking liar!!" Jonah screamed.

"Friends are supposed to believe each other. I'm telling the truth and y'all are being ignorant as fuck!!" I screamed back.

"WE ARE IGNORANT?!! YOUR TRYING TO SWITCH UP THE STORY!!!" Jonah yelled making me want to cover my ears.

"I'm not!!!" I sobbed out.

"Just go. We will figure out what to do while you can just think about how much you fucked up." Jonah seized through his teeth. I just stared at him in fear. "Get OUT!!!" He yelled again. I got up and ran out the door after grabbing my slides and keys. I cried harder as i made my way to my car. i got in the car and broke down even more. I punched the steering wheel and tried to calm myself down before i got on the road. It didnt work that well but i started driving anyways.

I sobbed loadly as i drove the streets of LA.

How could i be so fucking stupid?!
What's wrong with me??
Why do i have to be so i observant?!
I just lost my best friends.
I'm screwed.

I was so lost in my thoughts I wasn't paying close attention to what was going on in front of me, on the road.

I ran a red light and had a pick up truck slam straight into the side of my truck.

I didn't feel any pain. More like all the air was sucked out of my lungs before my sight went black.


I woke up to hands dragging me out of the car. I was barely there but i opened my eyes and saw my car; completely totaled. 

What happened?

I was placed on a board and everyone was hooking me up to things. I was just plain confused.

"Wha-.." i coughed hard.

"Sir can you sit still for us. You just got into a car accident. You have multiple injuries we need to assess. You're going to be in quite a bit of pain if you keep moving like this." I tried to nod back but hands were placed on my neck to keep it still.

"What's your name sir?" A lady asked. I looked up at her and she gave me a smile.

"Corbyn...Corbyn besson " i rasped out.

"I love your name, my names catie. How old are you corbyn?"

"I'm 21.."

"Thank you corbyn, just stay with us a few moments please. Do you have anyone you want to alert about your accident?" I thought about the boys but they didnt need to know. I was fine by myself.

"I don't..."

"Okay corbyn. Where does it hurt the most, can you tell me?" I thought about it for a second. I didnt feel any pain until they mentioned it.

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