J.M+Z.H - hides it + phobias.

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yes tour is fun and all, but the boys are always busy. they try not to take too many breaks and just get things done but it it puts a toll on their bodies. traveling from place to place nonstop is stressful but they have to keep up the pace cause its their job. when they get run down it gets them put back in schedule which makes them need to work harder to get back on schedule which makes them run down again. its pretty much a never ending cycle. so even when they think they should have a break, they keep pushing through thinking it will help.
but it most definitely doesn't...

jonahs pov

everyone knows when you get sick your not supposed to be up and active cause it can turn into something worse then it already is. your supposed to rest and keep your fluids up.

well, tour is not a good time to get sick. no most definitely not. it takes time away from work gets us held back in the our which is NOT fun.

and would you look a this. im sick. i have been up since 2 am thinking i was going to throw up. i have been sitting in front of the stupid small toilet we have in the ridiculously small bathroom in our tour bus for over a hour. the nausea wont go away, its at a point where i can tell its there but its not prominent enough to get me to throw up. ive gotten a close call a couple time but it was no use. so after the hour i decided the coast was clear, so i got up carefully and hustled back to my bunk. i laid tucked in a ball, curling into my stomach willing the nausea to pass so i can go to sleep. when it finally did, i sighed quietly in relief and fell into a restless sleep.


when i woke up i was being shaken by who i assumed to be daniel. the slight movement was very close to sending my stomach up my throat. before anything culd happen i pushed him back weakly and gulped harshly and turned away from him. i came to my senses quickly as i realized that not only did i feel worse than last night and now i have a slight pain growing in the back of my head. along with my throat stinging slightly from swallowing. today was totally the perfect day to get sick cause we have a full day.

interview then another interview (which both happen to be LIVE), limelight then soundcheck, followed by another quick interview at the venue, and then a 2 hour show. how I'm going to get through the day, i dont know but im going to have to manage.

"jo we got to get up. we have a interview in 3 hours. we are all almost ready, its just you bud." i groaned as i rolled over finally facing Daniel. "whoa you feeling ok jo? you don't look to good. your sweating."

"I'm good its just hot under these blankets." i said as i sat up and hopped out of my bunk. i get dizzy and stumble a bit but Daniel doesn't seem to notice. god if this is how imma spend my day, ill be incredibly lucky to not get caught.

"ok, um get ready quickly, were thinking of going for breakfast before the interview." he says giving me a pat on the back.

"do you think i have time to shower?" i ask hoping i do cause im thinking a nice steamy shower might help take some of this sick feeling away.

"yea go ahead. we got a bunch of time." he says before giving me a smile and walking away. i let out a sigh and head to the back into the man cave to grab some nice clothes. casual but comfy. a sweatshirt and my pair of skinny jeans that i found were to big on me, but at this moment they were perfect. i head into the bathroom and lock the door behind me instantly starting up the shower. i felt the nausea spike causing me to lean into the shower before gagging slightly. it didnt take long before i threw up last nights dinner. i was lucky that i wasn't a loud puker or that the shower was loud enough to block out my quiet retches. the feeling passed and i waited for the water to wash away my half digested dinner before hopping in. i let the water away the thick layer of sweat thar accumulated on my skin in my sleep. soon after i washed up the rest of the way, I stepped out. i sat down on the toilet with my head in my knees after i got insanely dizzy. the feeling quickly passed before i  dried off and finished getting changed.

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