"But your wounds-" I cut him off in the middle. "No Declan please, I won't be leaving from here until he wakes up" I said and wiped my tears and new ones replacing them. 

I paced the area with my limping feet and joined my hands while I kept praying for his safety.

I forgot the pain from my wounds as my mind and heart was scared to Blaize. I just want him to be healthy again. 

I kneeled down in the corner and sobbed. It's all because of me. That bullet was for me but he had taken it to save me. 

I don't worth it, I am not more valuable than his life. Why didn't I stop him? Why didn't I take that bullet? I'm the worst wife. 

I felt someone sit beside me and looked up to see Adrian. He sighed and side hugged me. I sobbed hard while hugging him. 

"Why did it happen Adrian? Why? What did I even do? I must have done something very bad to bear this all. It was all my fault. I'm not a good wife for him." He shushed me and rubbed my head. 

"No Angel, you are the best wife for him, and there is nothing which is your fault. You did nothing Angel. Stop thinking that. Just think that, it must have to happen to check your strength. I know you are very strong so have some faith. He will be alright. He can't leave you." He said with a sad smile and brushed my head again. 

It's been 3 hours since Blaize is inside and these 3 hours felt like 3 eternity. I can't stop my fearful heart which is afraid to lose the only thing it cherishes.

Kyle, Declan, Adrian and Bryan also sat outside with a worried look. I had never seen these men worried. 

The blood from my wounds have dried but I won't be getting anything until Blaize wakes up. He is my ointment.

The door opened and the doctor came out. I stood up quickly with everyone and asked him about Blaize. 

Doctor smiled at us and told us that Blaize is fine now, the bullet went into his back at the left side but thank God it didn't hurt any internal organs. So he will be fine soon. 

He also said that Blaize will be out for a few hours then he will wake up and then we can meet him. 

I sighed and kneeled down joining my hands. Thank you, thank you so much God for saving my life. Thank you so much for giving my Blaize back to me. 

"Angel, he is fine now. You should also get your dressing, he won't be happy to see that no one treated your wounds." Adrian said and helped me in standing up. 

I shook my head and sat down on the bench.  "No Adrian, I don't need it, I just need to see Blaize and I'll be fine." I said checking out my bloodied finger which had no ring. I feel really bad for losing my ring. 

"Angel you-" I cut Adrian off in the middle. "No Adrian please I won't be going anywhere until I see Blaize wake up." He sighed and went away with his friends.

There was no window or mirror at the room where Blaize stayed. I wish I could at least see him. I looked down and my eyes fell on blood marks on my dress. 

I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Thank God blaize is fine now but what if something happened to him. I would have died. 

my heart starts to beat louder than anything just by imagining blaize not in my life.

I was so scared, when he went still in my arms. 

I sighed and relaxed into the seat. I didn't know when sleep engulfed me. 




I was into the forest with Blaize and Ian stood in front of me. 

"He will die, Lina, you will never get your love back," Ian said and pointed gun at Blaize. 

Blaize stood still, like a lifeless body, he didn't even try to save himself. Ian pulled the trigger and I tried to run to save Blaize but my feet were frozen to the ground. I wasn't able to move. 

"No please don't do this" I yelled and cried but he didn't listen to me and shot Blaize right at his heart. I gasped and looked at Blaize while he fell down on the ground. 

My feet felt freed and I ran to Blaize, kneeling down I held his hand. "No, Blaize please don't leave me. I love you" 

Blaize looked at me with his half closed eyes. "No, you don't love me Angel. You could've saved me. Why didn't you try? I'm dying because of you." He said and closed his eyes.  

My eyes widened, yes it's true. I could've saved him, I didn't try. It's all my fault. 

My heart felt like someone was squeezing it with burning hands. I saw as Blaize died in my hands and then there was only blood, blood and blood and I closed my eyes.

"Noooo" I screamed out loud and opened my eyes, I was no longer in the forest. I looked around and saw I was in the hospital in headquarters and sitting on the bench.  

I must have had a Nightmare. I saw Benny was sitting beside me and looked at me with a very worried look. 

"You okay Angel?  You were screaming so badly?" She asked and we heard footsteps. Everyone ran to us. Adrian, Chris,  Declan, Kyle, and Bryan. 

"What happened, why did you scream?" Chris asked worried and kneeled down beside me. "She had a nightmare" Benny told him with a sad look and Chris sighed. 

"Don't worry Angel,  everything is fine with Blaize now. Instead it's you who need to be treated. Look at yourself. You are half covered in blood and wounds." He said and I looked down. 

"Chris I-" I wasn't able to complete my sentence as a nurse came to us with a smile. 

"Mr William is fine now and is awake. You all can meet him." I didn't Waste any second in standing and walked to his room while stumbling on my feet wounds. 

I opened the door and there he sat, he didn't have any shirt on because the white bandage on his back and front was very visible. I again felt that guilt again. 

He looked at me and his eyes widened, he looked somewhat angry but quickly hid his emotions while I slowly half limped and half walked to him. 

"Blaize" I whispered softly as I couldn't control the tears from escaping my eyes. 

I looked into his eyes but there was no emotion in it, they were blank. I sobbed softly and held his hand. "Blaize, you .. you are here. With me. I was-" I stopped when he took his hand back from me. 

I looked at him and gulped, is he really angry with me? Because I didn't save him. If he is then he is not wrong. 

His next words shook me to my core and I felt like the earth was shaking beneath my feet. 

"Who are you?" He asked me. 

He doesn't remember me. My heart felt like skipping many beats in fear. My nightmare has been true. If he doesn't remember me then I definitely lost my love. 

I lost my Blaize. 

I wasn't even able to breathe when I saw no emotions in his eyes. My whole body froze and it was so hard to even stand still because everything was rotating in front of my eyes. 

He did it. Ian did it. He ruined my life, he took my love from me. He took everything away from me. There is no reason for me to live now. 

I lost my life, my love, my everything.






Author's Note

Hope you guys like it.

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