Chapter Sixty One: The Announcement

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[A/N: I'm so amazed how much everyone loves this story, even after all this time. That being said, I can't believe how close this story is to 500,000 reads?! Absolutely crazy! It's been a long journey, and it's time to now work on finishing it.]


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DAISY'S SUCCESS had been celebrated dearly within the Slytherin house since the first task the previous week. Her friends had taken it upon them to make sure her achievements didn't go unnoticed.

The run up to December had been busy for the students, the castle transforming into its magical Christmas state. The tree had been put up, more and more students were attending Hogsmeade Village to buy their friends and family gifts, and everyone was getting into the holiday spirit.

The students in years four and above from all schools had been invited to a special assembly before dinner, Daisy and her friends tumbled in almost late, sitting in their usual spot. "Good evening students, settle down." Dumbledore echoed across the great hall. He stood in his spot at the front of the room, his eyes glistening happily. "I have a special announcement to make to you all tonight." He paused for a moment, seeing the faces of all the witches and wizards in front of him looking amazed. "You may wonder why you are here, and that brings me to revealing some exciting news for you all tonight. The Triwizard Tournament not only brings three great schools together, but will also play host to a very special evening on Christmas Day night." He paused again, as whispers started around the room.

"I think he's about to tell us why we needed dress robes." Pansy said excited, waving her hands about. Daisy nodded in agreement, also feeling just as excited.

"The Yule Ball is an evening for celebration and, much to my delight, a dance!" Students smiled and celebrated around the room as they got excited over the news. "Now, you are allowed to bring a special someone to the ball with you, so get asking those partners!" He stepped away from his podium with a clap, smiling at his students faces.

"Now, I forgot a dress so Daisy we must go shopping soon!" Pansy gave her a nudge. Daisy nodded, knowing that she already had a dress but wanted to see if there was anything else she'd like to wear knowing that dress was bought on a day of bad memories.

"I'm so excited!" Daisy squealed, her face filled with happiness.

"Me too, I can't wait." Draco spoke, trying to join in on the girls chat. Crabbe and Goyle had already started pigging out on the dinner that appeared seconds ago.

"It will be a great night." Blaise spoke next to Pansy. Daisy just knew that they would end up going together. That made her think, would Draco ask her?

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