Chapter Eighty Six: School Holiday

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IT WAS MUCH to Daisy's surprise that the school holiday's were finally upon them once more

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IT WAS MUCH to Daisy's surprise that the school holiday's were finally upon them once more. She had been relieved to discover that she would be going home to Spinner's End for the celebrations this year. She couldn't bear the thought of staying in that castle around Professor Umbridge any longer.

Sat on top of her velvety green sheets, Daisy had convinced her father to let her take the train home, to spend more time with her friends. She was worried. Ever since her nightmare several weeks ago, which had turned out to be true events, she had been more restless than ever. It replayed itself on loop in her mind. The same, mangled image of Mr Weasley.

"Are you all packed, Daisy?" Draco had popped his head around the door, seeing the room empty. Daisy shook her head out of her trance, giving him a nod. Not moving from her bed, she reached over to her bedside cabinet, grabbing her wand and placing it neatly in her coat pocket.

"Is it that time already?" She questioned the boy. She looked over at him, his suitcase in hand as he had his coat and scarf flung over his right arm. She stood up, collecting her things and doing a double take to make sure she had not forgot any of her belongings. She checked all her books once more, making sure she had not let any behind as she was dedicating all her free time over the holiday to study for her exams which would be taking place in the springtime.

"I'm afraid so." He chuckled, seeing the girls eyes go wide as she walked over to him, now clutching onto her belongings. He, like her, detested the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. "Two whole weeks away from this place." He frowned, realising he was going to have to go days without seeing Daisy Snape.

"It's okay, I'm coming to your house next week for a few days." She shrugged, closing the girl's dormitory door behind her as they walked side by side, down the stone staircase and into the main common room. It was deserted, most students grabbing a bite to eat before they left the castle. They still had some time before they needed to depart.

"You are?" He questioned her, like he wasn't aware of the plan. She must have neglected to mention that to him.

"Did you not know?" Draco shook his head. "Ah, Narcissa sent me an owl the other day. I thought she would have told you before I did." Draco raised an eyebrow. He wasn't disappointed, he wished Daisy could stay for the entire holiday if he had it his way. He felt warmth inside him knowing his girlfriend and mother had been owling each other without him. He was glad the two got on well.

"Clearly not." The boy chuckled, placing his suitcase on the floor as he pulled the girl over to the sofa, Daisy sat gracefully on his lap. "I say this every time, but I'll miss you." He closed the gap between them with no hesitation, like he did this all the time. Their lips met briefly as the girl smiled into the kiss, her arms resting upon Draco's shoulders as she ran her fingers through his soft, blonde hair.

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