Chapter Eighty Five: Inside The Mind

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DAISY WALKED down the dimly lit corridor, looking around for signs of life

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DAISY WALKED down the dimly lit corridor, looking around for signs of life. She froze, something slithered against her ankle. She wasn't alone. She looked down, her body petrified. "Please do not hurt me." Daisy spoke, her voice shaky, her hands clammy as fear took over her body.

A snake. She had never seen one quite this size. It spanned across the length of the corridor, the green scales shimmering in the light. It had been undetectable up until that point, Daisy wondering how long it had been behind her for.

"I do not harm my equals." The snake hissed back, continuing down the corridor. It didn't stop. It felt like she had walked for miles, each wall looking the same. Glossy black tiles, gold detailing. No windows. It was like there was no escape

Yet, she froze. She had finally reached a way out. The old, black oak door towered over her, almost big enough to fit Hagrid through, it took up the entire corridor. The brass door knob turned by an invisible force, the creaking echoed around them as blue light shone through, lighting up the way. Daisy watched the snake slither through the door, her squeezing through the gap as the door slammed shut behind them, disappearing from sight. Darkness filled where the door had once stood seconds ago. Darkness that went on for miles and miles.

Daisy shook her head. She had to wake up, she had to escape now. Something bad was going to happen. And she was right. In front of her stood a familiar red headed man, his wand drawn as he looked around him. Daisy finally took in her surroundings. She hadn't been in this room before. She was sure she would remember something as peculiar as this. In the room stood tall, infinite shelves covered in silver orbs. If it hadn't been for her Divination lessons, she wouldn't have known these were crystal balls used to hold prophecies. The shelves were numbered with an old, brass label that had been rusted away, cobwebs and dust scattered the shelves that were too out of reach.

...98. 99. 100.

"Mr Weasley, Mr Weasley!" Daisy called as the snake approached him even closer. He could not hear her. It was as though she was only a memory. She didn't really exist in this moment. "Look out!" But he couldn't hear as he turned around, the snake reared up to the same height as him as it attacked once, twice, three times. Fangs pierced every inch of the man's face and arms as he held them up to shield himself, his wand dropping to the floor. The clang of wood against tiles echoed as Daisy screamed, covering her eyes. She couldn't get out, she couldn't escape.

The man fell to the floor, blood trickling out of every piercing wound as he screamed out, his voice fading as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Daisy couldn't help, the snake was still attacking this man. She was useless, she was going to watch her friend's dad die in front of her eyes.

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