Chapter Sixty Six: The Second Task

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THE FOLLOWING weeks after their return to Hogwarts, Daisy was acting rather suspicious

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THE FOLLOWING weeks after their return to Hogwarts, Daisy was acting rather suspicious. Her friends knew it was to do with the second task, but they decided to leave her be, not wanting to make her upset. The task was to take place in a mere few days, students everywhere placing their bets on who they thought would win. Surprisingly, many students thought Daisy was going to win. She disagreed.

Draco and Daisy were yet to tell anyone of their news. They didn't tell their families, or their friends. They tried to avoid anything happening while at school. They really didn't know how anyone would react to it.

Two days before the task, Draco and Daisy sat at the Slytherin table, eating breakfast. Daisy was looking at her food, rather than eating it causing Draco to become concerned. "Dais, you need to eat something." He let out a sigh as she pushed her scrambled eggs around the plate.

"I'm not hungry, Draco." She snapped, causing him to flinch back slightly. She was scared, he knew that. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap." She picked up a pice of buttered toast, taking a nibble out of the corner.

"Don't apologise." He wanted to hug her, he wanted to make her feel safe. "In two days, this will be all over and you can relax for a bit." She thought for a moment.

"And then I will have the last task to worry about." She sighed loudly, dropping her toast and placing her head in her hands. She had everything prepared, so why was she so worried?

"Hey, don't think about that. One step at a time, even if it's baby steps." She nodded in agreement. "Do you want to go for a walk before class? Fresh air will help." He had become rather concerned for her. It was obvious to him that she wasn't sleeping well again. He could always tell.

"That would be lovely." The two got up, grabbing their things before heading outside. They walked down to one of Daisy's favourite spots, an old oak tree looking over the lake. You could see for miles here. There were a few students walking by, but they didn't care. Without a word, Draco brought her in for a hug, Daisy's head resting on his chest. They didn't say anything, just stood there, in deep thought as the school bells chimed for class. Their first lesson was Potions. She was sure her dad wouldn't mind if she was a few minutes late. She simply didn't want to move.

She was wrong. "Mr Malfoy, Miss Snape." He greeted them as they snuck in the classroom, avoiding making noise. "You should know by now that tardiness is not tolerated in my classroom." Heads of students turned in their direction as they sat down in their seats, taking out their books. "Five points from Slytherin." The pair sighed, Gryffindor's looking at them rather amused. They sat silently for the rest of the lesson, not paying attention.

The rest of the day went slowly, like time had paused itself. Daisy was glad when she could finally get into bed, thankful that she only had a few more days until this task was over. She had decided to take a dreamless sleep potion, wanting to try and get as much rest as possible to prepare herself.

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