Chapter Seventy Four: School Resumes

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THE LAST FEW weeks had gone way too fast for Daisy's liking

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THE LAST FEW weeks had gone way too fast for Daisy's liking. She wasn't prepared to return back to Hogwarts. Fear. She could sense that something bad was happening around her now that Voldemort had returned in his full power. The worst thing, for her, was her father growing more distant. He regularly went for meetings at Malfoy Manor. Follower meetings. The girl had learned that her dad was also in regular contact with Dumbledore about what he had previously heard about the dark wizard. It was almost like the man was a spy.

Daisy was glad to know her brother would be coming back to Hogwarts as normal, no longer expelled. She needed to catch up with him. Their letters over the school holiday had been few and far between, the Slytherin wondering if Harry could sense the fear as well.

She was glad when her father had said that she would be returning to school with Harry. The previous night, Severus had told her that he was helping Dumbledore with protecting the Gryffindor, along with other members of a group, also protecting her godfather, Sirius. She didn't know many details, but she was glad to see her brother again.

"We need to go soon, Daisy. I have a meeting that I can't be late for." Severus called up the stairs. Daisy was sat on her bed, in deep thought about Draco. She hasn't heard from him in almost a week. She knew that things were going to be different now Voldemort had returned, but she didn't know how involved Draco was going to be in this. Deep down, she hoped that he wouldn't be involved at all. She didn't want him to ever get hurt. She shook her head as there was a light knock at her bedroom door. "Come on Daisy, we'll be late." Severus said, again. She nodded, putting the last few things in her suitcase, putting her wand inside her cloak.

"Sorry dad, I was just thinking." She hummed, following the older Slytherin out of the bedroom door and down the stairs.

"You don't have to bottle all your thoughts up, you know. You can tell me anything that's on your mind." Snape spoke, reaching the front of the door. He took Daisy's luggage from her, turning to face her. His hand still gripped the brass handle. "I missed out on so many years of your life. The least I can do is be there for you in the years I get to spend with you." He frowned, seeing her eyes furrow together.

"I'm just thinking about how different things are going to be now Voldemort has returned." Snape flinched slightly, before his frown deepened. He wanted to protect his own flesh and blood, not see her go through the same things he witnessed 14 years ago. He didn't want her to join the dark side. He didn't want her to get hurt. He wished he could take this away from her, to make sure she got to see the rest of her life without fear lingering everywhere she went.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you. I don't think Mr Malfoy would, either." Daisy frowned. "Has something happened?" She shook her head.

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