Chapter Thirty Two: Lupin and Dementors.

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[a/n: Happy new year to all my readers! I hope 2015 will be a great year for everyone.

Also, I'm almost at 10k reads. I want to try and get 10k before 15th January, my birthday.

Have a great day everyone.]


*Daisy's Point Of View*

I woke up to a train passing outside. Today was the first day of my third year.  I didn't get out of bed, I really didn't want to.

"Daisy, open the door." somebody shouted from outside. Harry.

"Go away, Harry." I mumbled, pulling the covers over me more.

"We leave for Hogwarts in Twenty minuets." he shouted. I gasped.

"Thanks for the warning." I said while throwing on some clothes.  I quickly used magic to pack my stuff and I walked downstairs to the bar area.

"Daisy, finally you're up!"  Mrs Wesley said, brining me into a hug. "Do you have all your school things ready?" I nodded.

"Yeah, it's all upstairs." I spoke.

"Daisy, could I have a word with you, please?" Mr Wesley asked. I nodded and followed him to some sheltered table area. "I've told Harry the same but you need to know too. The ministry doesn't want me telling you both this, but you're both in danger."

"Danger? What do you mean?" I asked worried.

"What do you know about Sirius black?" He looked at me.

"That he was put into Azkaban for killing Muggles and that he's escaped... Also that he was the secret keeper for Mum and James." I spoke.

"You know more than I thought. Well Harry and You are the only two people that stand in the way of you-know-who returning to power. More Harry than you but still, you're also the only weapon against Harry. Black is a faithful servant to You-Know-Who and he wants to finish what he started."

"So you're saying that Sirius Black wants to kill me and Harry?" My eyes widened.

"You need to promise me, whatever happens, you don't go looking for black?" I nodded.

"Why would I? I wouldn't look for someone who wanted to kill me."

We left for Hogwarts in ministry cars. It was a tight squeeze with 9 people but we managed.

I was going to stick with the trio instead of sitting with the Slytherins. "We didn't mean to blow her up. We just- just lost control." Harry spoke and I laughed at the thought of what we did.

"Brilliant!" Ron laughed.

"Honestly, Ron, Daisy, it's not funny. You're both lucky you weren't expelled." Hermione said, looking I. Compartments to see if they were empty.

"We were lucky not to be arrested." Harry said.

"Yeah but worse, Fudge owled my dad about it all." I gulped at the thought.

"Oh... that's not good.." Hermione said and I nodded.

"I still think it was brilliant." Ron said.

We had reached a compartment with a man in. "Come on. Everywhere else is full." Hermione said, sliding the door open.

It was The man, Me and Harry sitting on one side of the compartment and then Ron and Hermione on the other side. "Who d'you think that is?" Ron asked us.

"Professor R. J. Lupin." Hermione said.

"You know everything. How is it she knows everything." Ron said dumbfounded.

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