Gorgeous Stranger - Chapter 14: Don't Forget Us! - Pack Catch Up Part (2)

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Okay so here is Part 2, I have thought it over and I am going to cut the book a little shorter then I thought. ;) It's going to be a good finale though... I am thinking of a super good twist in the end! Y'all are going to hate it ! I know you are, but you'll come to except and enjoy it. :p

READ AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END PRETTY PLEASE. Please Please comment and tell me your truthful opinion on if you think I should or shouldn't!! Pretty Pretty Pretty PLEASE! With a cherry on top of your vanilla cake with chocolate frosting?

KEEGAN AND RHIANNA :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>> 

Timothy's P.O.V

   My mind has been wondering. I have been thinking about the mate that I haven't even met yet. Thinking about where she is, or is she killed? Everything, that I do doesn't feel complete. I always feel like a part of me is missing.

          Except, it is.

   My mate. She is, no where to be found. No women, or anyone, has ever came close to filling the hole in my heart left by my true mate. But, I have to keep a content face for other people. My ego is to high that if my face falters even a little bit, so could my ego and my reputation. But, people that I keep close like Liz and Rhianna they know that I am hurting on the inside. Even if I haven't known Rhianna for that long, I tell her everything. I look to Liz for comfort and belonging, just as I do with Rhianna. It is different with Liz then it is with Rhianna, because I have known Liz longer. I can't tell Liz everything like I tell Rhianna, because she can't keep things from Carson, and him being an Alpha, he can tell wolves in his pack and mine and not even feel guilty about it.

   My mate forgot me and I can't change that. I can only keep wishing, praying, and hoping that one day, one day very soon she will come knocking on my door. Or he.

   Am I not what my mate thinks me to be? That is why him or her has kept them self in the shadow of thy life? Listen to me, I am useless, even to my own mate. I can be anything, to her, for her, anything. Shakespearean, a comedian, loving, stupid, playful, scary, boring, smart. Anything. I just want her, or him. It doesn't matter to me anymore. As long as I have my mate by my side, hand in hand. I will be content and happy, forever.

   I must be a bad man. I must be evil. I must be ugly. Selfish. Rude. Arrogant. Something that displeases my mate to the point to where I can't see, sense, or hear her or him. The person, the person that has my heart locked within their grasp, the person that can heal all of my hurting, all of my grief, all of everything that is what makes my personality fade into the blackness.

   I just got to keep hoping, praying, and wishing for my mate to find and love me like love her. Or him.

Kimono's P.O.V

   Oh man! She got SO angry! That is the cherry on top of my vanilla with chocolate frosting cake! She looked at me with no love, no happiness, or any emotion but hate. Pure, 100%, total hate. That's what makes my world go round. I probably wouldn't be able to cope if my mate actually fell for me. I mean, I am pretty sure with all of the mean things I have been doing to her she would be a complete idiot to fall for -- or would she? I mean, we could die with out each other ... right? She is my one and only true mate, and I am treating her like .. like shit.

   I mean it has bee- My mind was cut off by a screaming cry. A cry of pure agony and sadness that it had me close to tears. I jumped up and dashed toward the cry of agony and sadness. I was completely driven towards the sound. I wanted to comfort and protect it for an odd reason. I wonder who -- oh shit.

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